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Industry Research





Vivintel is a Canadian consumer survey survey database that breakdown responses to questions on lifestyles, media consumption, purchasing decisions and more. This tool allows you to examine the survey results by demographic segments.

Formerly known as PMB (or Print Measurement Bureau)



How to use

Vivintel can be accessed by first using your McGill username and password to access a secure page. This page will list a separate username and login that you will need to enter the Vivintel portal. Once inside the database you will need to choose a project option; these are listed by season and year. The project will indicate when the data was last gathered.

After you have selected your project, the interface will load with the available data you can analyze. Select your independent and dependent variables (splits or questions) based on the options in the right hand side menu. Adjust the calculations and settings to your specifications and select generate when you are ready to review your data.

This information can then be exported to excel.

APA citations for Vivintel

Reference List
Author, Initial. (Date). Description of chart [Data set]Website homepage URL.
Vivintel. (2019, Fall). Candy/snacks - chewing gum - prsnlly chewed past 6 mths [Base: Age 14+] [Data set]. 

In-text Citation
(Author, Year)
(Vivintel, 2019)

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