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Industry Research





SimplyAnalytics is a tool used to create maps and tables based on Canadian geographic, demographic, and business data. This resource combines census level population data with market research to help create visual consumer representations.



How to use

SimplyAnalytics is limited to 15 simultaneous users. 

You can access SimplyAnalytics using the "sign in as a guest" option or you can create an account using your McGill email address if you would like to save your content. When you start a project you will be prompted to input a location. These regions correspond to the census areas and you can find more information them here. After you have chosen your region, you can begin to select demographic or consumer data points to layer onto your map based number or percentage of respondents. As you zoom closer into your map you will see more separation between various neighbourhoods. 

Edit your map using the filters on the right hand side of the screen. You can amend the population density, colours, and other visible features.

Maps and tables can be downloaded into multiple formats.

APA citations for SimplyAnalytics

Reference List
Author, Initial. (Date). Title of Report. Website homepage URL.
SimplyAnalytics. (2019). [Map of Montreal, QC metro with family income $200,000 and over]. Census Canada. 

In-text Citation
(Author, Year)
(SimplyAnalytics, 2019)

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