Welcome! This guide pulls together resources for finding numeric datasets and statistics. Email data.library@mcgill.ca for help finding what you need.
Best bets to start
Finding Canadian & Quebec datasets
Finding United States datasets
Finding International datasets
Microdata vs. aggregate data
Microdata are the "raw" data, composed of individual records containing information collected on the research subjects being studied. The unit of observation is usually the individual, but can be the household, family, etc. For example, a microdata file will contain the responses of each person to different questions in a survey.
Microdata stand in contrast to more familiar "summary" or "aggregate" data. Aggregate data are compiled statistics, such as a table of marital status by sex that summarizes the responses obtained from a survey.
Microdata are inherently flexible. One need not depend on published statistics from a survey that compiled the data in a certain way. Users can generate their own statistics from the data in any manner desired, including individual-level multivariate analyses.
Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS)
Researchers sometimes find that the public-use microdata files made available via the Data Liberation Initiative are insufficiently detailed for their needs. The Research Data Centres (RDCs) offer secure access to detailed microdata from population and household surveys, censuses and administrative files in universities across the country. Staffed by Statistics Canada analysts, RDCs operate in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and are accessible only to researchers with approved projects and security clearance.
The Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics is an RDC that offers access to detailed data from large-scale surveys carried out by Statistics Canada and the Institut de la statistique du Québec. It also provides the workspace, equipment and professional as well as technical resources needed to exploit these surveys.
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