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Numeric Data

Source of microdata, aggregate data, and statistics

Canadian Sources

  • Statatistics Canada data and publications on housing
    Includes data on dwelling characteristics, housing costs and affordability, vacancy rates, construction, and more.
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: statistics and data 
    Data from CMHC online publications, as well as survey data and tables.
  • Housing and dwelling characteristics: summary tables 
    Recent data on: The type of dwelling (single-detached house, apartment, row house, mobile home, etc.), the period of construction, the condition of the dwelling, the number of rooms and bedrooms, as well as the value of the dwelling. Also includes household facilities and equipment such as appliances; home computers; audio, video, and communication equipment; and vehicles.
  • Housing and shelter costs: census data -- 2006 / 2001
  • Housing and Homelessness Services (City of Toronto)
  • Street needs assessment (City of Toronto) (2018 / 2013 / 2009 A / 2009 B / 2006 )
    "The objective of the Street Needs Assessment (SNA) is to determine the services that people who are homeless need in order to help them find and keep permanent housing. It is also to determine the number of people who are homeless and living on Toronto's streets and in its public spaces, or staying in shelters, health and treatment facilities and in correctional facilities for the purpose of assessing the location, scale and dimension of service needs, and in planning appropriate program responses."


  • American Housing Survey
  • Data sets (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
  • European Mortgage Federation statistics
    Provides access to: a quarterly review of the European mortgage industry; key figures; Hypostat (the main source of statistical information encompassing data on recent developments in housing and mortgage markets in Europe and beyond); Country Factsheets.
  • Housing topics (US Census Bureau)
  • How Many People Experience Homelessness?
    Article by the National Coalition for the Homeless, published July 2009
  • National Association of Home Builders
  • Residential property price statistics (Bank for International Settlements)
    Includes three datasets, collected from member central banks:
    • Detailed data set -- nominal residential property prices for 58 countries. For each country, several original series are available at different frequencies. The data differ significantly from country to country - e.g., in terms of type of property, area covered, property vintage, priced unit, compilation method and seasonal adjustment.
    • Selected series (nominal and real) -- for 58 countries at a quarterly frequency (real series are the nominal price series deflated by the consumer price index), both in levels and in growth rates (i.e., four series per country). These indicators have been selected from the detailed data set to facilitate access for users and enhance comparability.
    • Long series -- The BIS long series provides nominal residential property prices compiled by the BIS for 18 advanced economies at a quarterly frequency starting in 1970.

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