- Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA) (established: 1992)
Based at Queen's University, CORA's Web site provides access to information about hundreds of surveys, many of which were conducted by the organizations listed below.
- Environics Analytics (established: 1970)
Environics is noted for its FOCUS polling series, created to monitor public satisfaction with government performance and attitude toward public policy issues in Canada, Ontario, and Quebec. The company is now a data and analytics consultancy, but you can find the FOCUS data by searching for Environics polls in <odesi>.
- Gallup Polls
- Harris/Decima Research Inc. (established: 1979)
Decima Research Inc. has collected over two decades of Canadian data. Historical activities focused on public affairs and policy research, while more recent polls cover a wide variety of topics.
- Ipsos-Reid Corporation (established: 1979)
Founded by Dr. Angus Reid, the Vancouver-based Angus Reid Group merged with Paris-based Ipsos Group in 2000. Current activities include market and social research in 80 countries and 40 languages. Press releases containing Canadian poll results are available via the News & Polls section of the Ipsos-Reid Web site. Use the search engine to access Canadian poll summaries dating back to 1995.
To learn more about public opinion polling in Canada, please see the Library of Parliament's Parliamentary Research Branch publication Public Opinion Polling in Canada and the annual publication Public Opinion Research in the Government of Canada, prepared by Public Works and Government Services Canada