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Numeric Data

Source of microdata, aggregate data, and statistics

Canadian Sources

  • Air carrier traffic at Canadian airports 
  • "This publication presents statistics on airline traffic such as the volume of flights, passengers and cargo, at Canadian airports. Data on Canadian and foreign airlines' regional and local scheduled services have been added to complement the data previously published on the major scheduled services and major charter services. "
  • Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-United States Report 
    "This publication presents an integrated set of Canada/U.S. air passenger origin-destination statistics and analysis, and is the result of an agreement between Canada and the Department of Transportation in the U.S. to exchange data from their respective surveys. The data may be used to indicate the relative community of interest between Canada and the United States. "
  • Canadian travel survey 
    The Canadian Travel Survey (CTS) is a major source of data used to measure the size and status of Canada's tourism industry. It was developed to measure the volume, characteristics and economic impact of domestic travel. It gathers data on more than 30 variables, including socio-economic profiles, trip characteristics, and expenditures. 
    Access restrictions: DLI
  • Statistics Canada data and publications on travel & tourism
    Travel and traveler characteristics, tourism indicators, employment, share of GDP, and other travel- and tourism-related data for Canada.
  • Destination Canada: statistics & figures 
    Destination Canada is Canada's national tourism marketing organization.
  • International travel, advance information 
    "This bulletin contains advance information, monthly and year-to-date, on visitors entering Canada and on returning Canadian residents. It also includes an estimate of overnight trips by province of entry (visitors) and re-entry (Canadian residents). The bulletin is released seven weeks following the reference period."
  • International Travel Survey
    The primary objective of the International Travel Survey (ITS) is to provide statistics on travellers, to and from Canada. The survey provides a full range of statistics on international travellers, including detailed characteristics of their trips such as expenditures, activities, places visited and length of stay. Annual data are released one year after the end of the reference year 
    Access restrictions: DLI
  • National tourism indicators, quarterly estimates 
    The indicators are used to monitor supply, demand and employment for tourism in Canada on a timely basis. The quarterly tables are derived using the National Income and Expenditure Accounts (NIEA) and various industry and travel surveys. A brief analysis is provided, and additional data are included in the demand tables for non-tourism commodities produced by non-tourism industries and in the employment tables covering direct tourism employment generated by non-tourism industries. "
    NOTE: This publication has been discontinued. The last issue of the National Tourism Indicators, was September 28, 2012. The quarterly data are available free of charge in CANSIM tables 387-0001 to 387-0010.
  • Tables by subject: travel & tourism 
    Free data on: Domestic travel; International travel; Tourism indicators

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