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Redpath Book Display

Happy Queer History Month! This year’s Queer History Month theme is “Queerness & Creativity". This digital version of the exhibition case located beside the Redpath Book Display, showcases the diversity of Queer resources you have available to you for teaching, learning and research. Visit the Queer History Month Calendar to learn more about the various programming during the month of October. Explore, learn, and share! 

Selection of Books


If you would like to find some more books, you can find the bibliography here. 

For some more collections and databases, these cover many topics of queer history. 

  1. The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ Studies :
  2. The Global Encyclopedia of LGBTQ History :
  3. Archives of Sexuality and Gender :
  4. Digital Transgender Archive :
  5. LGBT Thought and Culture :

For a collection of LGBT Studies in Video, click here


For some  digital photograph collections about Queer History you can look out  The New York Public LIbrary Digital Collections here

A full website dedicated for teaching LGBTQ History can be found here and here

Additionally, you can learn more about McGill and Queer History with a  small search for “Gay McGill”, present day Queer McGill, in the Archives of Human Sexuality and Gender reveals numerous digitized documents that help us relive Queer McGill’s history as one of the first and most influential LGBTQ+ organizations at McGill, in Québec, and in Canada. Learn about the 1974 Gay McGill Civil Rights Public Foruman article published in The Gay Times. Rediscover the 1979, 1981 and 1988  Gai(e) Danse posters for the dances Queer McGill held on campus. Read what quite possibly might be the first mention of Queer McGill (formally Gay McGill) in the July-August edition of Body Politic (Toronto, Ontario). If you find any other interesting historical things about McGill and its Queer Community, let us know in the comments!  

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