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Redpath Book Display


In honour of National AccessAbility Week (May 28th to June 3, 2023), this month’s book display celebrates the diversity that disability brings to the human experience. It includes the work of disabled authors, researchers, and artists. You will find books on the history of disability activism and justice in Canada the United States and beyond, books by and for people with a variety of disabilities and intersecting identities. Enjoy this display and if you have any feedback or recommendations please send them to

Crip Times book cover
Disability Pride: Dispatches from a post ADA World by Ben Mattlin
Disability incarcerated : imprisonment and disability in the United States and Canada by Liat Ben Moshe and Allison Carey
Metanarratives of Disability Edited by David Bolt
Activist affordances : how disabled people improvise more habitable worlds by Arseli Dokumacı
No Pity by Joseph Staples
Absent citizens : disability politics and policy in Canada by Michael J Prince

Feminist, queer, crip by Alison Kafer
Crip colony : mestizaje, US imperialism, and the queer politics of disability in the Philippines by Sony Bolton
Camouflage : the hidden lives of autistic women by Sarah Bargiela and Sophie Standing
Disabled upon arrival : eugenics, immigration, and the construction of race and disability by Jay Dolmage

McGill University is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudensaunee and Anishinabeg nations. McGill honours, recognizes and respects these nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we meet today.

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