Facets (also known as filters) appear on the left of your search results. They are very useful for narrowing your search to find specific content - you might choose to search only for print books or for DVDs, for instance. You can also use them to expand your results to include those from other Quebec university libraries or even from libraries worldwide.
You can retain selected filters for subsequent searches or clear them using the top option in the filters column.
For more information on facets, click here.
Search results may be sorted by relevance. One of Sofia’s unique features is to provide three types of relevance sorting:
Other sorting options with the discovery tool Sofia :
This option groups several editions in a single result (most recent or oldest copy/different formats), and it avoids duplicates. The Group related Editions option is set by default.
This option expands a query by adding standard words from a thesaurus. You may also launch a bilingual search (English/French). Keywords can be translated into English or French, and are automatically added to the query.
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