To see what you have checked out, placed on hold and any fines that may have accrued, click on the ‘Sign In’/your account button > ‘My Account’.
- Checkouts: Items currently checked out to you, along with their due dates are listed on the ‘Checkouts’ (new: ‘Checked Out’) tab. Items can be sorted and renewed using the ‘Renew’ (new: ‘Renew Items’) button.
- Holds: Holds you have placed on titles are listed on the ‘Holds’ (new: ‘Requested’) tab. Holds can be sorted as well as cancelled using the ‘Remove’ (new: ‘Cancel Requests’) button and edited using the ‘Edit’ (new: ‘Edit Request’) button (new: link).
- Charges: Any fines owed are listed on the ‘Charges’ (new: ‘Fees’) tab. Charges can be sorted and fees paid using the ‘Pay Fees’ button. Follow further on-screen instructions to complete fee payment.