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Key databases
- Brill International Law - E-books covering various aspects of international law from 2006 onward
- Foreign & International Law Resources Database - (via HeinOnline) Publications of the American Society of International Law and prominent Yearbooks from around the world, including the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series.
- Jus Mundi - Academic Research Multilingual database that includes over 16,000 international law and investor-state arbitration documents, including treaties, ICJ, PCIJ, PCA, ITLOS, ICSID and other arbitration institutions, UNCITRAL, IUSCT documents (judgments, arbitral awards, orders, pleadings, etc.), and decisions of the Mixed Claims Commission.
- Kluwer Law Online Gateway to Kluwer Law, including journals, encyclopaedias and manuals.
- Lexis Advance Quicklaw - (use VPN for off-campus access). Lexis Advance Quicklaw is a legal database that offers comprehensive coverage of Canadian, international, and foreign materials (US, UK, Australia). Quicklaw gives access to Canadian, US, UK, and European case law, Canadian administrative tribunal decisions, QuickCITE case citator, Canada Digest, legal encyclopedias (Halsbury's Laws of Canada, Jurisclasseur Quebec, Halsbury's Laws of England), legislation, Index to Canadian Legal Literature, full-text of main Canadian legal journals, and more.
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law E-book collection on public international law by Oxford UP
- Oxford Reports in International Law. comprehensive coverage of public international case law, with reports on more than 5,500 cases from international courts, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals.
- Oxford Journals - Law Oxford UP journals
- WestlawNext Canada - Westlaw Next Canada is a legal database that provides extensive coverage of US and Canadian, and some international and foreign materials (UK, Australia). Westlaw Canada offers access to Canadian, US, and UK case law, the Canadian Abridgment Case Digests, the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest (C.E.D.), Index to Canadian Legal Literature, select Legal Pleadings, and more.
Resource key
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record