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- Cambridge Law Reports Key reports from CUP including the content of the leading International Law Reports series.
- i-Law Law reports and cases published by Lloyd's, includes some Lloyd's reports (Maritime law), Dispute Resolution, Medical Law Reports.
- Lexis Advance Quicklaw - (use VPN for off-campus access). Lexis Advance Quicklaw is a legal database that offers comprehensive coverage of Canadian, international, and foreign materials (US, UK, Australia). Quicklaw gives access to Canadian, US, UK, and European case law, Canadian administrative tribunal decisions, QuickCITE case citator, Canada Digest, legal encyclopedias (Halsbury's Laws of Canada, Jurisclasseur Quebec, Halsbury's Laws of England), legislation, Index to Canadian Legal Literature, full-text of main Canadian legal journals, and more.
- Oxford Reports on International Law Public international case law from international courts, domestic courts, and ad hoc tribunals.
- WestlawNext Canada - Westlaw Next Canada is a legal database that provides extensive coverage of US and Canadian, and some international and foreign materials (UK, Australia). Westlaw Canada offers access to Canadian, US, and UK case law, the Canadian Abridgment Case Digests, the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest (C.E.D.), Index to Canadian Legal Literature, select Legal Pleadings, and more.
Arbitral jurisprudence
- ICC Dispute Resolution Library Bulletins, supplements, dossiers, awards, articles, statistical reports, procedural decisions, commission reports, enforcement guide from ICC International Court of Arbitration. Log into the ICC Dispute Resolution Library with the credentials displayed on the McGill Library page that opens when you click on the resource link from this guide.
- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Information about Centre's activities and cases.
- Investment Claims (Oxford) Arbitration awards and decisions with peer-reviewed case reports and analysis, bilateral investment treaty sets, multilateral treaties, investment treaty overviews, monographs, journal and yearbook articles, arbitral rules, English translations of key portions of non-English decisions.
- Kluwer Arbitration International arbitration research including access to ICC cases and awards.
- Permanent Court of Arbitration Cases, reports, rules, and conventions.
- TradeLawGuide WTO jurisprudence, trade agreements & instruments.
- Unilex International case law and bibliography on CISG & UNIDROIT Principles.
- United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Court decisions and arbitral awards relating to the Conventions and Model Laws through UNCITRAL CLOUT database.
- Current trade news and resources, summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations, dispute settlement tables and statistics, WTO cases, and legal texts.
International criminal law and human rights
- Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals The most important decisions, including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions of the ICTY, ICTR, The Special Court for Sierra Leone, The International Criminal Tribunal for Timor-Leste and the ICC.
- European Court of Human Rights Cases Court’s judgments, information on communicated cases, advisory opinions, press releases, legal summaries and Commission decisions and reports published in the HUDOC database.
- European Database of Asylum Law Managed by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles and containing case law from 22 European states interpreting refugee and asylum law.
- Human Trafficking Knowledge Portal Case law, legislation, and bibliography on trafficking in persons crime.
- Inter-American Court of Human Rights Database Detailed summaries of cases rendered by the Inter-American Court, including descriptions of cases’ facts, procedural history, merits, and states’ compliance with the Inter-American Court’s judgment.
- International Crimes Database (ICD) Comprehensive database on international crimes adjudicated by national, as well as international and internationalized courts.
- United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals Cases and documents from International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
Resource key
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record