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Research guides and tools
- ASIL Electronic Resource Guide A self-guided tour of relevant, quality, up-to-date online resources covering important areas of international law from American Society of International Law
- Globalex Foreign legal research guides for over 100 countries, tools, and articles on foreign, comparative, and international law topics by Hauser Global Law School Program
- Harvard Law School Library Research Guides
- Human Rights Documents and Materials from Human Rights Library U. of Minnesota
- HuriSearch: The Human Rights search engine by HURIDOCS
- Jurisguide Des ressources documentaires disponibles dans le domaine du droit, des guides pour pratiquer une recherche d’informations efficace (France)
- Law Library of Congress Legal Research Guides Topical guides offering quick techniques and a selection of legal resources and tools.
- Law Library of Congress Legal Reports. This collection features research reports and other publications on a wide range of legal topics prepared by the Law Library of Congress in response to requests or recurring interest from Congress and other federal government entities on issues concerning foreign, comparative, and international law.
- Oxford Law Citator A research tool that links related items of content, both within Oxford’s online legal services, and out on the web. Browse by area of law or jurisdiction. Includes strong tagging for public and private international law subjects.
- UN Research Guides An overview of selected UN documents, publications, databases and websites from Dag Hammarskjöld UN Library
- UN Resources & Documents Links to UN online resources
- World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII). This free resource aggregates content from national and regional organizations which provide open access to legal information from their respective jurisdictions.
Resource key
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record