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International Law

Databases, websites and other resources relevant for researching International law.

Air & space


  • Art Antiquity and Law (via HeinOnline) Journal dedicated to the law governing art and antiquity and related policies.
  • Art Law & Cultural Property Database International Cultural Property/Ownership & Export Legislation relating to works of art and case law, produced by the International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR).
  • ArThemis Case notes about art and cultural property disputes settled through alternative resolution methods or traditional judicial proceedings.


  • EcoLex Treaties, international soft-law and other non-binding policy and technical guidance documents, national legislation, caselaw, and law and policy literature on environmental law.
  • Encyclopedia of environmental law (Elgaronline). Organised into 12 volumes around top-level subjects – such as water, energy and climate change – that reflect some of the most pressing issues facing us today.

Human rights

Intellectual property

  • WIPOLex Legal information on intellectual property: treaties administered by WIPO, other IP-related treaties, and laws and regulations of the Members States of WIPO, the UN and the WTO.

Investment, trade & commercial arbitration

  • IID Research 
  • Arbitration Law  Full text database of journals and other publications from Juris Publishing and JurisNet LLC in cooperation with various arbitration organizations.
  • Commentaries on World Trade Law Online. A a comprehensive, standard reference work on WTO Law. The Commentaries explain the provisions of the WTO Agreements article by article, setting out the interpretation of each article in the case law, in practice and in scholarly writing.
  • Encyclopedia of international economic law (Elgaronline). This comprehensive resource helps redefine the field by presenting international economic law in its broadest, real-world context.
  • Encyclopedia of private international law (Elgaronline). 57 different countries are represented by authors who shed light on the current state of Private International Law around the globe, providing unique insights into the discipline and how it is affected by globalization and increased regional integration.
  • Global Arbitration Review International arbitration news and community intelligence (use VPN to access off campus).
  • ICC Dispute Resolution Library Bulletins, supplements, dossiers, awards, articles, statistical reports, procedural decisions, commission reports, enforcement guide from ICC International Court of Arbitration. Log into the ICC Dispute Resolution Library with the credentials displayed on the McGill Library page that opens when you click on the resource link from this guide.  
  • International Council for Commercial Arbitration Treaties and conventions on arbitration, national arbitration laws, international, national, and regional arbitral and ADR institutions, arbitration resources online.
  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Information about Centre's activities and cases.
  • Investment Arbitration Reporter News and analysis service tracking international arbitration between foreign investors and sovereign governments.
  • Juris International - Dispute Resolution Centres Information on commercial arbitration, mediation, conciliation, expertise centres and other alternative dispute resolution centers or services including the full text of their rules and model clauses.
  • Jus Mundi - Academic Research (Brill) Multilingual database that includes over 16,000 international law and investor-state arbitration documents, including treaties, ICJ, PCIJ, PCA, ITLOS, ICSID and other arbitration institutions, UNCITRAL, IUSCT documents (judgments, arbitral awards, orders, pleadings, etc.), and decisions of the Mixed Claims Commission.
  • Investment Claims (Oxford) Arbitration awards and decisions with peer-reviewed case reports and analysis, bilateral investment treaty sets, multilateral treaties, investment treaty overviews, monographs, journal and yearbook articles, arbitral rules, English translations of key portions of non-English decisions.
  • Kluwer Arbitration International arbitration research including access to ICC cases and awards.
  • OECD. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Organization of American States Foreign Trade Information System Trade agreements and investment treaties.
  • Oxford Legal Research Library Oxford UP collection covering the area of International Commercial Arbitration, International Commercial Law, Financial and Banking Law, and Private International Law Collections.
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration Cases, reports, rules, and conventions.
  • Preferential Trade Agreements Database Full text-searchable electronic versions of all Preferential and Regional Trade Agreements notified to the WTO and in force and many not-yet-notified to the WTO.
  • Regional Trade Agreements Notified to the WTO By country/territory, criteria/topics.
  • TradeLawGuide WTO jurisprudence, trade agreements & instruments. 
  • Transnational Dispute Management Online journal on international arbitration with a special focus on investment arbitration.
  • US Treaties and Agreements Library Most complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements (via HeinOnline).
  • Unilex International caselaw and bibliography on CISG & UNIDROIT Principles.
  • United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Court decisions and arbitral awards relating to the Conventions and Model Laws through UNCITRAL CLOUT database.
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development An intergovernmental organization within the United Nations Secretariat that promotes the interests of developing countries in world trade.
  • Current trade news and resources, summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations, dispute settlement tables and statistics, WTO cases, and legal texts.
  • World Trade Organization. WTO Documents Online.  Provides access to the official documentation of the World Trade Organization, from 1995 onwards and is updated daily.


  • Full coverage of all Canadian taxes plus some OECD material.
  • TaxNotes Daily news, analysis, and commentary for tax professionals (users must create a personal account).


Profile Photo
Sonia Smith
McGill University
Nahum Gelber Law Library
3660 Peel
Montreal, QC H3A 1W9
514-398-4715 ext. 09177
Subjects: Jewish studies, Law


Profile Photo
Ana Rogers
McGill University Library
Nahum Gelber Law Library
3660 Peel Street
Montréal Québec H3A 1W9
Subjects: Law

Resource key

  • McGill users only
  • Open access resource
  • Free resource
  • In-library-use only
  • Catalogue record

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