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Statement on the Educational Use of Databases

The use of McGill Library's professional business databases is limited to academic purposes. These databases are not to be used on behalf of external organizations or for commercial reasons.

Students completing internships may not access resources and reports on behalf of their employers.

Please refer to the McGill Library policy on electronic resources or to the licensing and conditions of use for further information.

Common Bloomberg Functions

Broad Market Screens Functions

WEI World Equities Indices
ECST Economic Statistics by Country
MA Merger/Acquisition Database
FXC Currency Rates Matrix
WB World Bond Markets
MMR Money Market/LIBOR Rates
CDR Markets Calendar
MOV Index & Industry Group Movers


Market Performance

BI Bloomberg Intelligence
MOST Most Active Securities
FPC Mutual Fund Ranked Returns
ECDR IPO Calendar


Company Screens

DES Corporate Description
CN Company News
MGMT Executives & Board Directors
ISSD Financial Overview


Fundamentals & Earnings

FA Financial Analysis Templates
DVD Dividends
GE P/E Graph - Valuation
ANR Analyst Recommendations
YA Yield Analysis
EE Earnings Estimates
OMON Options


Comparative & Historical Analysis

RV Competitor Relative Value
TRA Total Return
HP Historical Price Table
SI Short Interest
COMP Comparative Total Return


Chart and Graph Functionality


CHAR Charts Homepage
G Charts Library
Historical Charts
GP Line Chart
GPO Bar Chart
GF Graph Fundaentals
GC Curve Charts
HS Historical Spreads
GR Historical Ratio Chart
Quantitative Analysis
RG Relative Graphs
PC Peer Correlation
GV Volatility Graph
Data Visualization
WT World Trends
GS Scatterplot


Excel Add-In Instructions


  1. Open Excel from the desktop icon.
  2. On the computer task bar select Start > All Programs > Bloomberg > Install Office Add-In.
  3. Click Install, a small confirmation box will appear.
  4. Once the install is finished, close Excel
  5. Open Excel again from the desktop icon. The Bloomberg tab will now appear on the taskbar.

Note, if Bloomberg does not launch in Excel after these steps, please continue with the following

  1. On the computer task bar select Start > All Programs > Bloomberg > API Diagnostic Environment.
  2. Click Start.
  3. Click Repair.
  4. Close the diagnostic menu and reopen Excel.

Excel toolbar, including the Bloomberg Add-In.


Exporting Data via Bloomberg

Sample data exporting into Excel from Bloomberg.

  1. On the Bloomberg terminal in the function display, select Output. 
  2. Select Excel, if available.
  3. Excel will launch automatically with the desired dataset.* 

*This will only work properly if the add-in has been installed.


Exporting Data via Excel

To download data from Bloomberg while in Excel, use the Spreadsheet Builder.

  1. Select the Bloomberg tab on the Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Choose the Spreadsheet Builder. 
  3. Use your mouse to hover over the data type icons to display a description of what is available.
  4. Click on the icon for the data type you want to use.
  5. Follow the instructions as they appear in the builder.

Excel Template Library

The Bloomberg Excel Template Library XLTP<GO> consists of more than 325 unique Excel templates. Each template is grouped to allow for easy discoverability and custom analysis. 

  • Search by most popular files.
  • Receive recommended templates.
  • Quick and easy access.

Navigate XLTP

Start by entering XLTP<GO> into the command line, Bloomberg will evaluate all the Excel files and retrieve the ones best suited to your preferences.

The function is split into two different viewing browsers: Cover View and List View. Cover View allows you to browse using filters, List View allows you to browse an index of available files based on popularity ranking.

Select the Read More button (or the spreadsheet name) to open the Template View. This will provide you with detailed information regarding the spreadsheet's analytical capabilities. As well, you will have access to screen grabs of the template in use, links to related content and insight as to how the template works.



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