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The use of McGill Library's professional business databases is limited to academic purposes. These databases are not to be used on behalf of external organizations or for commercial reasons.

Students completing internships may not access resources and reports on behalf of their employers.

Please refer to the McGill Library policy on electronic resources or to the licensing and conditions of use for further information.


The Library’s Bloomberg terminals provide access to live and historical market data, news, analytics and reports.

Bloomberg may have specialized data or metrics that you can’t access in the other resources. However, data sometimes be harder to extract (i.e. you can’t always export the data to Excel)



How to access Bloomberg

Bloomberg can only be accessed from specialized terminals or workstations. McGill has a number of terminals that you can use:

Bronfman Building:

BRONF 205: 5 terminals
BRONF 007: 3 terminals (Sandiford)
BRONF 010: 2 terminals (reserved for HIM students)
BRONF 577: 1 terminal (reserved for PhD students)
Armstrong Building:

ARMST 070: 5 terminals (reserved for Masters students)

Finance Lab (3rd floor McLennan, room M3-53B): 3 terminals

Note: You will also need to create a Bloomberg account to access this resource.


Getting Started

How to create an account

1. Sign into a Bloomberg work station using your @mail.mcgill account.

2. Click on the Bloomberg Icon, followed by Enter or <GO> , then Create a New Login.

3. Select language English (or choose from drop down menu).

4. Are you creating a login for yourself? Choose YES.

5. Have you ever been a Bloomberg client? Choose NO, then 1) Continue.

6. Enter your First Name, Last Name.

7. Enter your Phone Number (you can enter the same number twice for work and mobile)*. 

8. Enter your McGill Email Address, then 1) Continue.

9. To receive your code, choose either SMS text message OR automated voice call, then 1) Send Code.

10. Enter the 4 digit validation code provided, then 1) Create Code.

11. Create Password and re-enter password to confirm.

12. Bloomberg login name will be assigned but you will be given the choice to change it. Personal defaults will appear when you sign in.

Bloomberg Panels

Each Bloomberg panel delivers news, data, and analytics through a series of up to four desktop panels (or windows). All four panels operate independently from each other can be used to access multiple workflows simultaneously.


Full screen view of Bloomberg panel, description below.



Item Description
Panel Frame The panel frame is numbered 1-4 to help you navigate between workspaces.
Toolbar The left side of the toolbar indicates recently selection functions and securities with the current loaded applications visible. The right side provides help to perform key tasks, such as creating notes, printing, adjusting the display, and accessing help.
Command Line The command line is used for searching both functions and securities. You can enter a mnemonic for a function or security and use it as a keyword search to find related information.
Function Area The function area is a display of the currently loaded security and the function in use.
Information Panel The information panel provides content from Bloomberg on new or enhanced features.

Bloomberg Keyboard

Action Keys

Enter/Go Execute a typed command
Menu Navigate to a menu of related functions
End/Back Return to the previous screen
Help Press once to open HELP pages, twice to open a live chat with a Bloomberg Assistant
Search Search by keyword

Market Keys

GOVT Securities issued by national governments
CORP Corporate bonds
MTGE Mortgage market instruments
M-MKT Money Market Securities
MUNI U.S. municipal bonds
PFD Preferred securities
EQUITY Common stocks, mutual funds, etc.
CMDTY Commodities
INDEX Equity and economic indices
CRNCY Foreign currency
PORT Portfolio

Stop Keys

ESC Exit the current function
Pause, Break/Log-off Log in and out of the terminal

Blue Panel Key

Use to switch between the four Bloomberg panel windows.


Securities are the financial instruments you can analyze on the Bloomberg terminals. Load a security by typing the ticker or general name and selecting from the securities list in the drop down. Once a security is loaded you can analyze the data by running a series of functions to find out more information about the security.


Functions are the applications used to determine targeted information or analysis; this can be done on broad financial markets or applied to a specific security. Each function is marked by a specific mnemonic used to identify and access the function. Functions are grouped in hierarchies based on their general workflow. Do not feel pressured to remember all of the Bloomberg functions. Use the guides and cheat sheets on this website to assist you, as well as the HELP function to access support from the Bloomberg terminal. The command line works with keyword searching; as long as you have the keywords behind the analysis you want to perform, Bloomberg will help you find the function.



Menus are a way to browse the entirety of Bloomberg's functions to help discover what you may need. Menus generate a workflow of related functions that may be useful when analyzing a security if you are feeling unsure. They help to drill down into further security-specific analysis.


Tips & Tricks

You can print from the Bloomberg terminals to any uPrint station. 

Print Current Screen

  • Press the green <Print> key or select Export > Print Window from the top right toolbar.
  • Note, not all screen are available for printing.

Print Multiple Pages

  • Enter the number of pages you wish to print in the command line.
  • Press the <Print> key.

Print Settings

  • Configure your settings through PSET<GO>.


Take screenshots from within the Bloomberg terminal by using the provided snipping tools.

Image depicting the Toolbar of the Bloomberg Panel.

In the top right-hand corner select the Screenshot Icon to pull up the screen shot options.

1. Take Window Screenshot

  • Take a snapshot of the entire space and either send via MSG, upload to FILE, save screen to a folder, print current screen, or view screen as an image.

2. Snip Any Screen Area

  • Hold down the left mouse button and drag to select the desired area. The screenshot will then be loaded into the NOTES function.

Copy & Paste

You can copy & paste text from within the Bloomberg terminal and to outside applications.

1. Copy & Paste Text

  • Starting in the left corner, hold down the left mouse button and drag towards the desired area in the right bottom corner. A dotted box will enclose the copied text. To paste use Crtl + V.

2. Copy & Paste Screen Images to Microsoft Word

  • Follow the copy process from above. To paste select Paste > Paste Special and select Bitmap format.


NOTE<GO> is an internal function designed to capture information, ideas, and images within the Bloomberg Terminal.

Notes can be tagged based on securities, people, sectors, regions, or custom themes for ease of discovery. By creating a community, a user can share notes between colleagues and assign permissions for viewing or editing.

A user can input images, tables, hyperlinks, and other attachments to add depth to their notes. All notes are saved to the user's account, meaning they can access them from any Bloomberg Terminal.


Bloomberg's internal messaging system is available for all users through the MSG<GO> function.

MSG<GO> can be used to communicate with colleagues through their Bloomberg accounts and will also send email to other provider accounts. Useful features for students include sending screenshots and subscribing to daily news reports.

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