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Research guides and tools
- Globalex Foreign legal research guides for over 100 countries, tools, and articles on foreign, comparative, and international law topics by Hauser Global Law School Program
- Foreign Law Guide Information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations and selected references to secondary sourcesmore for more than 190 jurisdictions.
- Harvard Law School Library Research Guides
- Human Rights Documents and Materials from Human Rights Library U. of Minnesota
- HuriSearch: The Human Rights search engine by HURIDOCS
- Jurisguide Des ressources documentaires disponibles dans le domaine du droit, des guides pour pratiquer une recherche d’informations efficace (France)
- Law Library of Congress Legal Research Guides Topical guides offering quick techniques and a selection of legal resources and tools
- Oxford Law Citator A research tool that links related items of content, both within Oxford’s online legal services, and out on the web. Search by area of law or jurisdiction (global coverage).
- Peace Palace Library Research Guides. The Research Guides introduce the researcher to the main topics of international law, both public and private.
Resource key
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record