Strada lex Belgian and EU law, including case law, codes, and journals published by Larcier and Bruylant.
European Union
Primary sources
Doctrinal Plus Notices bibliographiques d'articles de revues, de la jurisprudence française et européenne et de la législation française et de l'Union européenne.
Council of Europe Treaty Office Council of Europe treaties, their explanatory reports, the status of signatures and ratifications.
EUR-Lex EU law, case-law by the Court of Justice of the European Union, other public EU documents, electronic Official Journal of the EU.
European Parliamentary Research Service. Targeted information on topics which are high on the EU agenda, topical digests are short primers providing links to European Parliamentary Research Service publications.
Legifrance Législation française et de l'Union européenne.
N-lex Europa. Provides a single entry point to the national law databases on individual EU countries.
Oxford Competition and Anti-Trust Law Integrated service to combine commentaries (e.g Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition, Faull & Nikpay on The EU Law of Competition and Whish & Bailey on Competition Law), national case reports, and analysis from EU member states.
Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court (European Court Reports) Coverage from 1990-2018. Previously entitled Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court, Section I, Court of Justice (2009-2011), Reports of cases befor the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, Part I, Court of Justice (1993-2009), Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance (1990-1992) (via HeinOnline).
Strada lex Belgian and EU law, including case law, codes, and journals published by Larcier and Bruylant.
Unalex The portal to EU Law and International Uniform Law. Includes Legal Literature, Legislative texts and Case collection.
Your Gateway to the European Union (formerly known as Europa) is a good starting point to learn how the EU regulates/legislates a particular issue.
Secondary sources
Doctrinal Plus Notices bibliographiques d'articles de revues, de la jurisprudence française et européenne et de la législation française et de l'Union européenne
Encyclopedia of the European Union Provides in-depth, authoritative discussions of the key concepts, developments, institutions, policies, negotiations, treaties, national interests, personalities, etc., related to European integration.
Oxford Competition and Anti-Trust Law Integrated service to combine commentaries (e.g Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition, Faull & Nikpay on The EU Law of Competition and Whish & Bailey on Competition Law), national case reports, and analysis from EU member states
Strada lex Belgian and EU law, including case law, codes, and journals published by Larcier and Bruylant.
Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law A new in-depth and current encyclopedia of EU Law; only partially available at this point.
France Les fonds éditoriaux Dalloz : codes, revues, encyclopédie, ouvrages professionnels, formulaires, Dalloz actualité, Dalloz jurisprudence (France). Pour accéder aux livres électroniques, vous devez parcourir à la section "À feuilleter" et sélectionner le bouton "Dalloz Bibliothèque". Pour accéder aux revues AJDI et RDI, vous devez parcourir à la section "À feuilleter" et sélectionner le bouton "Dalloz Revues" (ces revues n'étant pas disponibles si vous tentez de les accéder via la section "Documentation").
Doctrinal Plus Notices bibliographiques d'articles de revues, de la jurisprudence française et européenne et de la législation française et de l'Union européenne
Essentiels du droit français Sources historiques du droit : sources législatives et réglementaires, jurisprudence, doctrine, sources du droit coutumier et du droit local (BnF)
Juricaf is a Francophone database for researching case law in over 42 countries. Developed with the help of the International Organisation of la Francophonie, Juricaf has for objective to help Supreme Courts in Africa to publish their case law.
JurisClasseur Encyclopédies de droit français, un fonds documentaire de textes, commentaires, jurisprudence, procédures et formules (via Lexis Advance Quicklaw - défilez vers le bas pour les volumes JurisClasseur)
Legifrance vous permet d’accéder aux versions électroniques du Journal officiel de la République française publiées depuis le 2 juin 2004.
Lexis Advance Quicklaw Sélectionnez le drapeau français du menu déroulant pour accéder aux sources législatives, jurisprudentielles et doctrinales françaises (utilisez le VPN pour accès à distance).
Lextenso Jurisprudence, revues françaises en texte intégral, incluant les publications LGDJ, Gazette du Palais, Petites Affiches, Defrénois
Leading encyclopedic digest on French law. 5 volume (loose-leaf) continually updated resource.
Germany Annotated German Civil Code With links to case law, the federal Gazette, and editorial cross-references. In German (but Google Translate is fairly strong for this source). Case law Including international, EU, and German case law in German.
German Law Archive Cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English
Gesetze im Internet is a free online database of German laws currently in force. It is maintained by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection, and includes non-official English translations of selected German laws.
Conseil fédéral (Suisse) Lois annuels et consolidés, textes publiés sous forme de renvoi, jurisprudence de l'administration fédérale et du Conseil fédéral, et liens vers les sites officiels de législation des cantons et des tribunaux fédéraux.
CyLaw Pan Cypriot Bar Association/ Cyprus Legal Information Institute
Lovdata Norwegian legislation in English; limited selection of cases translated into English; case law from the past year.
Korkein oikeus - Finland Supreme Court Summaries of selected precedents (primarily related to EU law, human rights law, or other international interests) in English. From 2017.