Selected Internet sites for statistics, data, and grey literature
Canada Green Building Council
A coalition representing various segments of the design and building industry which aims to promote the design and construction of green buildings in Canada. The website also has information about Green Building Rating & Labelling Systems used in Canada.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC/SCHL)
Canada's national housing agency provides information about building standards and construction, housing policy and programs, and housing research. Subjects of research reports range from green roofs to housing for seniors; most reports are available in PDF format and are free to download.
Planners Network
An association of professionals, activists, academics, and students who are concerned with urban planning and social and environmental justice. The site offers access to full-text case studies and working papers produced by the Planners Network.
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Office of Policy Development and Research
Urban Institute
A nonpartisan economic and social policy research organization site that covers a wide range of issues relevant to planners: housing, neighborhoods and community, and mobility and transportation.
Urban Land Institute
A land use and real estate development research and education organization with a mission to “provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide.”
VRM: Ville Régions Monde, Le réseau interuniversitaire d'études urbaines et régionales
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