Encyclopedias and dictionaries
- Antiquus Morbus A glossary of archaic medical terms, diseases and causes of death, compiled with an eye to aiding genealogists decipher causes of death listed on death certificates and mortality registers.
- Cambridge Historical Dictionary of Disease. This reference work has detailed entries for 161 diseases, describing both their histories and characteristics.
- Credo Reference. This is a multisource database that one can search in total or by specific subsets, such as medicine, history or art.
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. This is a good source for information about medical terminology.
- Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Greco-Roman World Online. A translation and a significantly revised, updated, and expanded edition of the acclaimed reference work Antike Medizin: Ein Lexikon (2005), edited by Karl-Heinz Leven and published by Verlag C.H. Beck
- Bibliography of Canadian Health Sciences Periodicals 1826-1980. This online bibliography, which is an expansion of Charles Roland and Paul Potter's 1979 Bibliography of Canadian Medical Periodicals, 1826-1975, lists historical Canadian periodicals in the health sciences, some with annotations, and offers links to freely available digitized content.
- Disability in the Middle East A Bibliography Comprising Materials with Technical, Cultural and Historical Relevance to Child and Adult Disabilities, Special Needs, Social and Educational Responses and Rehabilitation
- Pharmaziehistorische Bibliographie PHB PHB is an international bibliography for the history of pharmacy covering articles and reviews from journals, conferences and monographic works. PHB also reviews new books in the field of history of pharmacy and related fields.
- SexBiblio Bibliography of the history of western sexuality prepared by the Institute for Economic and Social History, University of Vienna.