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History of Medicine

Image collections

Digital image collections

  • AIDS Posters Collection From the UCLA Library Digital Collections.
  • Anatomia Collection, 1522 -1867 Approximately 4500 full page plates and other illustrations of human anatomy selected from the Jason A. Hannah and Academy of Medicine collections in the history of medicine at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto.
  • Banque d'images et de portraits Over 230 000 historical images from the collection of the Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Santé as well as other institutions in Paris.
  • Chinese Public Health Posters A collection of of 20th century posters in the collection of the National Library of Medicine.
  • Disability History Museum Select Visual Stills in 'By Collection' to search the browsable historical collection of over 900 digitized images of material such as photographs, paintings, lithographs and postcards relating to physical and mental disabilities. 
  • Eugenics Archive Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement from 1910-1940.
  • Harvard Library Botanical Illustrations Original botanical works of art from the early 1800s to the mid-1900s.
  • Historical Anatomies on the Web From the National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, this site contains a selection of images from the collection of historical anatomical atlases.
  • Hospital Architecture in Montreal. This digital resource contains over 1,000 images from 1642 to the present, including a case study of the Royal Victoria Hospital.
  • Index of Medieval Medical Images An index of medieval manuscript images (up to the year 1500) with medical components held in North American collections as a result of a pilot project in 2001 to make a substantial sample of images and descriptions available via a searchable database on the Web.
  • John Martin Rare Book Room Images From the University of Iowa Libraries, contains a selection of several hundred images from the 5,000 volume John Martin Rare Book Room, illustrations relating to anatomy, physiology, surgery, obstetrics, and therapeutics. 
  • The MacKinney Collection of Medieval Medical Illustrations Digitized images of Prof. Loren C. MacKinney's (1891-1963) slide collection.
  • National Library of Medicine Historical Collections An extensive collection of digitized material and images such as manuscripts, archives, films, prints, photographs, rarebooks and journals.
  • The Osler Library Prints Collection This is a searchable and browsable website of 2,500 visual documents related to the history of medicine that spans several centuries, countries, and artistic media. Ranging from the 17th to the 20th century, the collection consists predominantly of prints, but also includes photographs, drawings, posters, and cartoons. Medical professionals throughout history are represented largely through portraiture, as well as through caricatures.
  • Patent Medicine Trade Cards Collection From the UCLA Library Digital Collections, a collection of 247 patent medicine trade cards. Patent medicines were medical compounds sold under a variety of names and labels, though they were for the most part actually trademarked medicines, not patented.
  • Photographs Canadian Nurses A collection of historical photographs of Canadian nurses covering various themes dating back to the early 1900's.
  • Visible Human Project This is the National Library of Medicine's project in which three dimensional images of male and female bodies have been created.
  • Visual Culture and Health Posters From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a collection of twentieth century public health posters and other material on the subjects of infectious disease, environmental health, anti-smoking campaigns, and HIV/AIDS.
  • Wellcome Trust-Wellcome Images The 150,000 images in the Wellcome Trust Medical Photographic Library (MPL) cover the history of medicine and of human culture, from ancient times to the present day. It's a comprehensive resource, from depictions of ancient healing techniques, through beautiful anatomical engravings, to contemporary biomedical images and clinical photographs.
  • William Osler Photo Collection The William Osler Photo Collection, Osler Library, McGill University, was made possible through a generous donation from the John P. McGovern Foundation, and the support of the Friends of the Osler Library.


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