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Organizations and associations
- American Association for the History of Medicine The AAHM is North America's oldest continuously functioning scholarly organization devoted to the study of all aspects of the history of the health professions, disease, public health, and related subjects.
- American Association for the History of Nursing The American Association for the History of Nursing is a professional organization open to everyone interested in the history of nursing.
- American Institute of the History of Pharmacy The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy is a non-profit national organization devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of the place of pharmacy in history.
- American Osler Society The American Osler Society has been founded for the purpose of bringing together members of the medical and allied professions who are, by their common inspiration, dedicated to memorialize and perpetuate the just and charitable life, the intellectual resourcefulness, and the ethical example of William Osler (1849-1919).
- Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine This is a learned society dedicated to sharing all aspects of the history of health - including the professions of dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacology and health themes within history itself.
- British Society for the History of Science General information on the history of science.
- Canadian Association for the History of Nursing / Association canadienne pour l'histoire du nursing
- Canadian Society for the History of Medicine / Société canadienne d'histoire de la médecine
- Center for the History of Family Medicine Established by the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation in 1958 to collect and preserve records and archives related to family medicine, including professional and personal papers of physicians and educators in the United States.
- Cheiron - International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
- Canadian Health Coalition - Coalition canadienne santé A coalition of health care workers, organizations and institutions working to protect and improve public health care in Canada.
- Islamic Science, Commission on History of Science and Technology in Islamic Societies Promoting the study of the history of science in Islamic societies.
- European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Fosters research and international exchange concerning health and medicine.
- History of Dentistry Research Group This group is based in Scotland.
- History of Science Society The world's largest society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with society in historical context.
- International Network for the History of Hospitals Supported by the European Association for the History of Health and the Wellcome Trust, this network promotes studies related to the historical evolution of hospitals.
- International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine
- International Society for the History of Pharmacy The society is established to form an international centre for handling all matters of a pharmaceutical historical nature without commercial interests.
- International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. Division of History of Science World's leading non-governmental organization in the field of science promoting congresses, publications, and other initiatives designed to facilitate international exchanges and understanding.
- Lindsay Society for the History of Dentistry Established in 1962, dedicated to promoting research into the history of dentistry.
- Medical History Society of Nova Scotia
- Society for the Social History of Medicine This society has pioneered inter-disciplinary approaches to the history of health, welfare, medical science and practice, both in England and internationally.
- Wellcome Trust A foundation for science and health research across the world.