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Family Medicine

Accessing Resources from Home

Accessing resources from off-campus

eBook Collections

Individual ebook titles are catalogued and available through Sofia, the McGill Library Discovery Tool. Below is a list of many of our health sciences ebook platforms that can also be directly browsed or searched for relevant material, often including full-text searching options.

Finding and Using Ebooks

Information on using mobile apps to access a selection of library resources

Core Databases

Additional Databases

Other Resources Listing Databases

Search Filters for Family Medicine

Search Filters for Family Medicine

You can copy and paste these search filters (search strategies for a particular concept or study design, in this case designed to retrieve records related to family medicine) right into the applicable database to narrow your results down to articles that are potentially about family medicine. Note that the high sensitivity filter is designed to cast a wide net, which means you will still likely retrieve irrelevant results; the advantage is that you are less likely to miss relevant results.The high specificity filter will produce a narrower set of results that are proportionately more relevant (i.e., fewer false positives).


Pols DH, Bramer WM, Bindels PJ, van de Laar FA, Bohnen AM. Development and Validation of Search Filters to Identify Articles on Family Medicine in Online Medical Databases. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Jul;13(4):364-6. doi: 10.1370/afm.1780.

High Specificity Filter


("Primary  Health  Care"[mh]  OR  "primary  care"[all  fields]  OR  "Physicians,  Family"[mh]  OR  general  pract*[all  fields]  OR  "family"[ad]  OR  family  pract*[all  fields]  OR  family  physician*[tw])

Ovid MEDLINE or Embase

  • this can also be used for other Ovid databases like Global Health, PsycINFO

(exp  Primary  Health  Care/  OR  primary  OR  exp  Physicians,  Family/  OR  general  pract$.af.  OR   OR  family  pract$.af.  OR  family  physician$.mp.)

Cochrane Library

([mh "Primary  Health  Care"]  OR  "primary  care"  OR  [mh  "Physicians,  Family"]  OR  general  pract*  OR  family pract*  OR  family  physician*:ti,ab,kw,pt)

High Sensitivity Filter

Suggestion: Use this filter for knowledge syntheses (e.g., systematic reviews, scoping reviews), when you are trying hard not to miss any records related to family medicine.


("family"[all  fields]  OR  physician*[all  fields]  OR  practice*[tw]  OR  "primary  care"[all  fields]  OR  "Primary  Health  Care"[mh]  OR  primary[tw]  OR  general  pract*[tiab]  OR  gp[tiab]  OR  gps[tiab])

Ovid MEDLINE or Embase

  • this can also be used for other Ovid databases like Global Health, PsycINFO

( OR physician$.af. OR practice$.mp. OR primary OR exp Primary Health Care/ OR OR general pract$.af. OR,kf. OR,kf.)

  • Note: added kf to tw searches

Cochrane Library

(“family” OR physician* OR practice*:ti,ab,kw,pt OR “primary care” OR [mh “Primary Health Care”] OR “primary”:ti,ab,kw,pt OR general pract*:ab,ti OR “gp”:ab,ti OR “gps”:ab,ti)

Point of Care Tools

Life sciences mobile guide


Finding video and other multimedia content in or via subscription-based resources at McGill

Physical examination, procedures, and anatomy

Films and lectures

Multimedia in other subscription-based resources

Current Awareness Tools

Current awareness tools

  • EvidenceUpdates (Via BMJ Group and McMaster University's Health Information Research Unit; requires free registration) - Emails of citations in various specialties (you choose) from 120 key clinical journals selected by clinicians as clinically relevant
  • Medical Letter on Drugs & Therapeutics - Evaluations of new and previously approved FDA drugs, unbiased reviews of drug classes for common disorders
  • Daily POEMs - Via Essential Evidence Plus
  • PubMed/My NCBI Saved Searches - Create a free My NCBI account, run a search (learn how to build a search), and click on "Create alert" link below search box to save search and have PubMed records emailed to you on a scheduled basis

Browsing journals

Information on Citation

If you are collecting references for a project, looking for information on how to cite within a particular discipline, or interested in using software to collect and automatically format your in-text citations and bibliography in the proper citation style, the following pages may be of use:

  • Citation Guides - General information on citation as well as information on what's available at McGill (for example, EndNote, which is free for McGill staff and students, and Zotero, which we support) and how to get more information
  • Life Sciences Citation Style - Information on citing in Vancouver (author-number system), APA (author-date style), CSE
  • Citation Styles - Useful citation guides for other commonly used citation styles
  • Citation Styles by Subject

If you are writing a paper for a course, ask your professors what citation style they recommend. If you are publishing a journal article in the health sciences, consult the instructions for authors in the health sciences database or the journal website to find out what citation style they require your references to be formatted in.


EndNote: The short course (video)

How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: Windows

Produced by Clarivate Analytics. 

How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: Macintosh

Produced by Clarivate Analytics.

Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Genevieve Gore
Liaison Librarian, Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering
Macdonald Stewart Library Building
809 Sherbrooke St W
Montreal QC H3A 0C1

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