You can copy and paste these search filters (search strategies for a particular concept or study design, in this case designed to retrieve records related to family medicine) right into the applicable database to narrow your results down to articles that are potentially about family medicine. Note that the high sensitivity filter is designed to cast a wide net, which means you will still likely retrieve irrelevant results; the advantage is that you are less likely to miss relevant results.The high specificity filter will produce a narrower set of results that are proportionately more relevant (i.e., fewer false positives).
Pols DH, Bramer WM, Bindels PJ, van de Laar FA, Bohnen AM. Development and Validation of Search Filters to Identify Articles on Family Medicine in Online Medical Databases. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Jul;13(4):364-6. doi: 10.1370/afm.1780.
("Primary Health Care"[mh] OR "primary care"[all fields] OR "Physicians, Family"[mh] OR general pract*[all fields] OR "family"[ad] OR family pract*[all fields] OR family physician*[tw])
(exp Primary Health Care/ OR primary OR exp Physicians, Family/ OR general pract$.af. OR OR family pract$.af. OR family physician$.mp.)
([mh "Primary Health Care"] OR "primary care" OR [mh "Physicians, Family"] OR general pract* OR family pract* OR family physician*:ti,ab,kw,pt)
Suggestion: Use this filter for knowledge syntheses (e.g., systematic reviews, scoping reviews), when you are trying hard not to miss any records related to family medicine.
("family"[all fields] OR physician*[all fields] OR practice*[tw] OR "primary care"[all fields] OR "Primary Health Care"[mh] OR primary[tw] OR general pract*[tiab] OR gp[tiab] OR gps[tiab])
this can also be used for other Ovid databases like Global Health, PsycINFO
( OR physician$.af. OR practice$.mp. OR primary OR exp Primary Health Care/ OR OR general pract$.af. OR,kf. OR,kf.)
(“family” OR physician* OR practice*:ti,ab,kw,pt OR “primary care” OR [mh “Primary Health Care”] OR “primary”:ti,ab,kw,pt OR general pract*:ab,ti OR “gp”:ab,ti OR “gps”:ab,ti)
Please see the McGill Library Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and Other Knownledge Syntheses guide's page on Search Filters or Hedges.
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