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Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

New books in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

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Search the Sofia Discovery tool


Search WorldCat Discovery for McGill's entire collection of resources: books, journals & articles, multimedia, and other resources, in both print or electronic format.

Tips for finding books

Use the Sofia Discovery tool (the library catalogue) to find books in print and electronic formats.  For example:

  • Do a keyword search for: climate variability
  • Find a good book, e.g. Climate variability and ecosystem response at long-term ecological research sites (ebook), and click on the title.  You will see some subject headings listed in the subject fields: Bioclimatology and Climatic changes.
  • Click on these subject heading links to retrieve more books about these subjects.

Search tips

Truncation symbol: * e.g. climat* will retrieve catalogue records containing the words climate, climatic, climatological, climatology, etc.
Phrase searching: "___" e.g. "climate change" will retrieve catalogue records containing the phrase climate change
Boolean operators: (), AND, OR, NOT
default: AND
Boolean operators must be in capital letters
e.g. climate AND (change OR variability) will retrieve catalogue records containing the words climate AND either change OR variability


Locating a book by call number

You can locate a print book by call number by going to the Sofia Discovery tool and typing a specific call number in the search box. For example, nu: QC854 D86 2008 in the search box will retrieve A Dictionary of weather. Please note that you can be precise or general when listing a call number (e.g. searching just nu: QC854 will retrieve several books in that subject area).

Virtual browsing

Once you locate an ebook or print book of interest, you can browse the shelves virtually to find other books on similar topics. First, locate a print book of interest by searching the Sofia Discovery tool using keywords and limiting to books from the options on the left-hand side of the results screen. Next, click on "Browse the shelf" where you will see neighboring books available in print and as ebooks. For example, books near to A Dictionary of weather include Encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences and Encyclopedia of world climatology. You can also browse the library's shelves in person by call number:

Browsing by call number

You can browse the library's shelves in person by call number:

  • GC1-1581


    • GC109-149

      Chemical oceanography

    • GC150-182

      Physical oceanography

    • GC190-190.5

      Ocean-atmosphere interaction

    • GC200-376

      Dynamics of the ocean

    • GC377-399

      Marine sediments

    • GC401-881

      Oceanography. By region

    • GC1000-1023

      Marine resources. Applied oceanography

    • GC1080-1581

      Marine pollution. Sea water pollution

  • QC851-999

    Meteorological climatology. Including the earth's atmosphere

    • QC974.5-976

      Meteorological optics

    • QC980-999

      Climatology and weather

      • QC994.95-999

        Weather forecasting


Profile Photo
Tara Mawhinney
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering

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