Search bibliographic databases such as those listed below to find articles on a given topic, and search the Library's WorldCat catalogue (by article title, and if unsuccessful, by journal title) to access full text.
Subject guides are a great place to find subject-specific databases but here are good places to start:
Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. Access content from journals, meetings, patents, and books. Backfiles available to 1926.
More information on theses and dissertations, compiled by the McGill Library
Conference papers
Conferences: General information compiled by the McGill Library
Conference papers may be published in conference proceedings
Records for conference papers or conference abstracts may be included in certain databases
Conference papers, presentations, or abstracts may only be accessible from conference websites, may not be publicly available, or may, in some cases, not be available at all