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Career Research & Resources

Welcome to Career Research & Resources

This guide will help you to identify companies in particular industries or locations and do the necessary background research on those companies to help you with your job search.

The guide contains information on:


Tip: Take some time to explore the different searching tools and browsing interfaces provided by each of the databases in this guide. That will help you to become familiar with how they work and find the information you are looking for.

Job Listings

General Listing Sites

How to Find Listings in Your Field

To find job listings for your industry or field you can begin by looking for industry associations or groups that post job boards or offer listservs. Getting on a listserv in your desired field can be beneficial as people will often post when new openings are available.

Another method is to list potential employers you would like to work for and begin seeking out their job advertisements. Review the different websites where they post these openings and bookmark them for future use. To learn more about how to job search by making a list of companies, check out the LAMP Method tabs on this guide.

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