Exhibits all occur in the past.
Traveling through space and time
The science fiction TV series, Doctor Who, has captured the imagination of countless viewers over the past 5 decades by exploring themes such as time travel, regeneration, telepathy, and extraterrestrial life. This exhibit showcases the history of time travel in the arts and sciences from the late nineteenth century until the debut of Doctor Who in the 1960s. Discover how different scientists, writers, and film artists sought to answer time travel questions.
Exhibit dates: March 1 - November 1, 2018
Location: Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering, main floor
The World That You Know Through the Eyes of Muslim Geographers
Did you ever wonder what it would have looked like to travel in the Middle Ages? And what geographical information was available to travelers at that time? The exhibition The World That You know through the eyes of Muslim Geographers aims at showing the invaluable contributions made by Muslim geographers and cartographers to the description and mapping of the world between the tenth and seventeenth centuries. More...
Exhibition dates: August 1 - December 31, 2018
Location: Islamic Studies Library