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Jewish Law
- "Halakah" by Louis Jacobs and Benjamin De Vries in: Encyclopaedia Judaica
- "Halakah and Law" by B. S. Jackson, et al. in: The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies.
- Halakhah : the Rabbinic idea of law by Chaim N Saiman.
- Introduction to the history and sources of Jewish law by Neil S. Hecht. An introduction to Jewish law, providing essential background information for those encountering the subject area for the first time.
- Jewish Law presents a wealth of information on Halacha, Jewish issues and secular law. Sponsored by The Center for Halacha and American Law.
- Jewish law: history, sources, principles = Ha-mishpat ha-Ivri by Menachem Elon. Originally published in Hebrew under the title Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri by the Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1988, this is 4 volume English translation.
- Jewish Law (Miami Law) A very useful overview of the topic, its sources and commentary from the University of Miami, and free to anyone.
- In The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, there are three useful subentries: an overview of Jewish law, discussion of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in medieval and post-medieval Roman law, and Jewish law in India.