If you are collecting references for a project, looking for information on how to cite within a particular discipline, or interested in using software to collect and automatically format your in-text citations and bibliography in the proper citation style, the following pages may be of use:
If you are writing a paper for a course, ask your professors what citation style they recommend. If you are publishing a journal article in the health sciences, consult the instructions for authors database or the journal website to find out what citation style they require your references to be formatted in.
When authors take on the task of writing up their research for publication, it is good practice to prepare the report in a format that resembles most closely the final submission. In order to prepare, it helps if researchers pre-select the publication (in the life sciences, usually a peer-reviewed journal) to which they intend to submit.
See Journal-level metrics (in the Impact Measurements guide maintained by April Colosimo) for additional information
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