Newspapers are primary sources of information about historical and current events. There are many different types of news sources available, and depending on your needs you might turn to print newspapers, online newspapers, digitized newspapers, aggregators, or microform. For more information, see our Newspapers guide.
Research tool containing news, cases, law reviews, company information, country information, or other publications.
To start a search enter your keywords into the Free Text Search bar. The default date range is articles from the past three months, be sure to change this if you are looking for article from a wider range of time.
Beneath the search box there are filters you can use, such as:
You can limit your search to a specific title. For example, we can decide to only search for articles containing the word "Prime Minister" that have been published in the Montreal Gazette. To do this, first open the search limit menu for "Source" by clicking on the small arrow located next to it.
Now, you can choose your news source. You can select your source in several ways, such as by language, industry or region, if you click on the drop down menu next to "Select source category".
You can also start typing in a name in the small search bar and a list of matches will appear. Here we have typed in "Montr", and the Montreal Gazette has appeared in the list of choices.
In order to add the Montreal Gazette as a news source to your search, you need to click on it. If if has been successfully added you will see it now listed above the small search box in an orange rectangle. This means that your search will only show articles containing your keyword(s) from the Montreal Gazette.
Here are the news source details that appear for the Montreal Gazette:Website when you click on the "i".
If you would like to remove a news source that you have added, click anywhere on the orange rectangle that surrounds the news source's name and a submenu will pop up. You have the choice of adding "Not" to the news source, which means that the search will find everything except articles from the news source, or you can choose "Remove", to remove it.
You can add a search limit for each of the categories in the same away as described for news source. For example, "Region" is set to North America, and "Language" is set to English.
To save a search in Google News:
Click the arrow next to the search bar to open Advanced Search.
Once you have results, click Save to save the search.
Later, find updated results under Following > Saved Searches.
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