Research4Life - Collective name for the five programmes providing online access to peer-reviewed content for low income countries: HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI, and GOALI
ARDI: Access to Research for Development and Innovation: Coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the aim is to increase access to scientific and technical information in LMICs. Member of Research4Life
Bioline International: Not-for-profit electronic publishing service committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals (multisciplinary), can be filtered to find open access journals that do not have article processing charges (APCs)
eifl Licensing Programme : A not-for-profit organisation, eifl negotiates for affordable access to e-resources and services, and affordable article processing charges (APCs) for open access publishing
Global Health Delivery Project: Their "mission is to create a global network of professionals dedicated to improving the delivery of value-based health care"
GOALI - Global Online Access to Legal Information: "Programme to provide free or low cost online access and training to law and law-related content to eligible institutions in developing countries"
OARE: Online Access to Research in the Environment: Public-private consortium coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Yale University, and leading science and technology publishers
PLOS Global Participation Initiative (scroll down the Fees page for details): "Aims to lower barriers to publication based on cost for researchers around the world who may be unable, or have limited ability, to publish in Open Access journals"
SNOMED-CT: Information on SNOMED CT fee exemptions for low income countries, development licenses, qualifying research projects, and humanitarian or charitable use