This book provides the standards of evidence and documentation developed by the genealogical community. Essential reading for a researcher planing to use genealogical methodology.
Although not primarily a work of genealogy, this book is a significant addition to Métis historiography and includes Métis voices and personal narratives that may assist genealogical work on the Métis people.
A six-year collaborative effort of members of the French Canadian/Acadian Genealogical Society, this book provides detailed explanations about the genealogical sources available to those seeking their French-Canadian ancestors.
These published rolls are intended to provide a fairly comprehensive list of the loyal colonials who joined the Provincial Corps of the British Army, 1775-1784, that were part of the Northern, or Canadian, command during the American Revolution.
This is a detailed account of the original Metis who settled in the Red River district. With names, employment records and much more, it offers much for personal genealogy and land-claims research.
Comprehensive resource on published immigration, passenger and naturalization records of individuals who came to the U.S. and Canada between the 16th and mid-20th centuries.
Vol. 1: A-G
Vol. 2: H-N
Vol. 3: O-Z
Births, bar mitzvahs, marriages and deaths, as well as information concerning communal and synagogue activities of Canadian Jewry. Taken from the pages of The Canadian Jewish Times.