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SWRK 445: First Peoples and Social Work

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TRC Reports

SUMMARY OF FINAL REPORT Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015) PDF & Print

FINAL REPORT Canada's Residential Schools: Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 

Vol 1, pt. 1: Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part 1 Origins to 1939  
Vol 1, pt 1 Index        
Vol 1, pt. 2: Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part 2 1939 to 2000 
Vol 1, pt 2 Index
Vol 2: Canada's Residential Schools: The Inuit and Northern Experience 
Vol 2 Index
Vol 3: Canada's Residential Schools: The Metis Experience 
Vol 3  Index
Vol 4: Canada's Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials 
Vol 4  Index
Vol 5: Canada's Residential Schools: The Legacy  
Vol 5  Index
Vol 6: Canada's Residential Schools: Reconciliation 
Vol 6  Index

Calls to Action and other post-TRC Reports

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action  (2015) 

What We Have Learned: Principles of Truth and Reconciliation (2015)

The Survivors Speak: A report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015)

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