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Research Data Management

DMP Assistant

A data management plan is a document that describes how you will care for data over the course of the research lifecycle. Federal and non-profit granting agencies are beginning to require that you write and include a data management plan in your grant proposal. Writing a data management plan enables the researcher to think about data from a holistic perspective, by thinking about questions and scenarios before they arise. 

  • What formats will the data be in?
  • Who will be in charge of managing the data?
  • How will you describe the data?
  • What types of software will you use to analyze the data?
  • Where will you store the data during the research process?
  • How will you make the data sharable?

There are a number of excellent tools and checklists that can assist you with the data management plan writing process, including the DMP Assistant.  DMP Assistant is a bilingual online service for building data management plans with step-by-step instructions and guidance for meeting specific funding agency requirements.

For an overview of the DMP Assistant, see the DMP Primer document below (pdf).

General DMP templates, examples, and exemplars

Does your funding application require a Data Management Plan (DMP)? Are you looking for DMP templates and examples?

See the resources linked below!

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) hosts a general (Alliance Simplified Template) and many discipline-specific templates for Data Management Plans. These templates can be used directly in the browser via the DMP Assistant tool.

  • For Tri-Agency funding opportunities, filling out the Alliance Simplified Template will meet their DMP requirement!

The Alliance also lists examples and exemplars on their RDM training resources page.

McMaster University's RDM services unit maintains a comprehensive database of public Data Management Plan examples.


McGill and RI-MUHC DMP Template for Medicine and Health Sciences

The McGill Libraries and the pre-awards office of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) have developed a McGill-specific data management plan (DMP) template for medicine and health sciences.

To access the template in the DMP Assistant tool, sign in or create an account (selecting McGill University as your organization).

Click the button "Create Plans" in the top menu or in the dashboard. Fill out the information for the project title. Select "McGill University" as your organization. A third drop-down selection item will appear. Select "McGill Medicine and Quantitative Health Sciences" from the drop-down list.



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Alisa Rod
McGill University Libraries
550 Sherbrooke West, West Tower
Montreal, QC H3A 1B9

Research Data Management Specialist

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