Point of care tools (Summaries & Guidelines)
Point of care clinical decision support resource covering 25 specialties.
Databases & search engines (Single studies)
Truncation/ Wildcards |
Phrase/ Parenthesis |
Proximity operators |
Subject headings |
MeSH terms Explode SH expands results to include records with the SH you originally selected, PLUS all of the subject headings in its family hierarchy e.g., exp diabetes mellitus/ Focus SH retrieves article records in which indexers consider your topic to be of major significance e.g., exp *diabetes mellitus/
Subheadings |
Subheadings are used to further describe a particular aspect of a subject heading concept. Terms such as "etiology" or "therapy," when combined with a subject heading, give a precise idea of what an article covers. Use a subheading when it matches one of your concepts, otherwise include them all. e.g. use urinary tract infections/prevention and control when looking for articles about preventing UTIs |
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