Point of care tools (Summaries & Guidelines)
Point of care clinical decision support resource covering 25 specialties.
Databases & search engines (Single studies)
Medline is the largest biomedical database essential for health care research and clinical practice; it can be searched on the Ovid platform or via PubMed, the public platform. In this module we will use only the Ovid interface.
In it you will find: |
From: |
Search using: |
APA citation: Health Sciences Library, McMaster University. (2014, October 16). OVID Medline - Part 1 - Starting Your Search [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm2tuuxqftg#action=share
Skip ahead to the 1:15 mark to begin:
IMPORTANT NOTE: To access Ovid Medline at McGill use the quick links box to the left of this page, from any of the nursing subject or course guides, or search for it in the Database A-Z list on the main library web page. When you are off campus you will be prompted to log in using your McGill username and password. See the box on the right of this page for more info on how access McGill's databases and articles.
APA citation: Health Sciences Library, McMaster University. (2014, October 16). OVID Medline - Part 2 - Refining Your Search [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtO-KdQRtUg&feature=youtu.be
Skip ahead to the 1:15 mark to begin:
IMPORTANT NOTE: To access Medline at McGill use the quick links box to the left of this page, from any of the nursing subject or course guides, or search for it in the Database A-Z list on the main library web page. When you are off campus you will be prompted to log in using your McGill username and password. See the box on the right of this page for more info on how access McGill's databases and articles.
Most of the Library's licensed electronic resources, such as databases, full-text online journals and eBooks, are restricted to McGill students and staff. Find out about accessing the Library's online resources from on and off campus.
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