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MECH 463 Design 3: Mech Eng Project

Writing and citing

Consult these resources for tips on how to write a research paper or technical report.

Title Format
Effective writing strategies for engineers and scientists Online
Engineers' guide to technical writing Online
Guide to report writing (University of Cambridge) Online
Making sense : a student’s guide to research and writing : engineering and the technical sciences Print
Pocket book of technical writing for engineers and scientists Print
So, you have to write a literature review : a guided workbook for engineers Online
Style and ethics of communication in science and engineering Online
Technical writing : a practical guide for engineers, scientists, and nontechnical professionals Online
Writing for science and engineering: papers, presentations and reports Online
Writing technical articles (Columbia University) Online


For more writing resources, click here.


Also, try the McGill Writing Centre.

Citation styles

Best bets

Other popular options

Citation management software


  • McGill students and staff can download EndNote citation management software for free. With this software you can get references directly from many databases, such as Web of Science.
  • A Guide to Using EndNote (PDF handout)
  • EndNote can automate the formatting of your references in many different citation styles. If you are using IEEE, APA, Chicago or Science, the output styles are already installed in EndNote. For AIAA and ASME, you will need to download the output styles from the following links: AIAA output style and ASME output style. For Windows: Open and save the .ens file in C:\Program files\EndNote\Styles. For Macs: Open and save the .ens file in Applications:EndNote:Styles.
  • EndNote Web is also available at McGill University. To access EndNote Web you need to create a personal account. You can sign up for an account with your McGill email address at
  • There are library workshops given on how to use this software effectively.


  • If you are using LaTeX to create your document, your may want to make use of JabRef open source software to manage your references.


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Tara Mawhinney
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering

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