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Indigenous Health

McGill-specific resources

McGill has a variety of resources pertaining to Indigenous Health, Indigenous Studies and the health sciences overall. For more discipline-specific information, you can also visit the McGill Health Sciences website or the Indigenous Health faculty within the Department of Family Medicine.

McGill's First Peoples House is meant to provide a sense of community and a voice to Indigenous students who have left their home communities in order to pursue higher education. Visit their site for events, resources, and information.

Quebec First Nations and Inuit Faculties of Medicine Program: a program promoting Indigenous medical education, the result of a close partnership between the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC) and the four faculties of medicine in Quebec.

Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment (CINE): in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, CINE incorporates the social sciences, laboratory sciences and data analyses to investigate traditional food systems, nutrition and environmental issues worldwide.

Indigenous Health Professions Program (IHPP): a program meant to train more Indigenous health professionals and to teach all future health professionals about the health needs of Indigenous peoples. 

The Indigenous Candidate Pathway in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences facilitates outreach visits and programs for youth, and supports prospective Indigenous applicants to all health professions programs at McGill.

Indigenous Health Resources at McGill University Health Centre.

Indigenous Health Outreach Club (IHOC)-MSS: Alongside the Medical Students' Society of McGill University, IHOC's intent is to create a community where Indigenous and non-Indigenous medical students join to learn about various Indigenous cultures and practices, primarily in a medicinal context.

Indigenous Access McGill: a support program for First Nations, Inuit and Métis students in the School of Social Work since 2007.

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