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Indigenous Health

Key journals for Indigenous health topics

      This is a non-exhaustive list of journals that focus on Indigenous health, ranging from medicine, nursing, mental health and native studies. For a wider range of journals, you can also refer to the Indigenous Studies libguide, which has a more general list of Indigenous-related journals and databases.

Journal of Indigenous HIV Research
The JIHV is an annual, peer-reviewed digital journal distributed by the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network since 2006 on Indigenous HIV/AIDS research.

CMAJ: Indigenous Health
The Indigenous Health section of the Canadian Medical Associate Journal, with a variety of areas of focus emphasizing access to health care.

The Aboriginal Nurse
A collection of nursing academic resources around Indigenous Health from the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association.

American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research Journal.
The journal of the Centers for American Indian & Alaska Native Health, a professionally refereed scientific journal with a focus on the mental health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

International Journal of Indigenous Health (IJIH)
Currently at the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health at the University of Toronto.

Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health
The TIJIH is a companion to the IJIH. It is a North America-specific journal dealing with Indigenous health, medicine and wellness.

Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing 
A New Zealand-based journal on multi-disciplinary Indigenous knowledge and research experience that includes articles on health sciences, medicine, nursing, psychology, and social work. 

Canadian Journal of Native Studies
The CJNS is a highly recognized journal in the field of Indigenous Studies. It publishes peer-reviewed material bi-annually, and current online availability of material is maintained by Brandon University. 

First Peoples Child & Family Review
This journal is a social work-focused open-access, interdisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal centring Indigenous knowledges, perspectives and voices that promote innovation in matters affecting First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children, families, and communities. 

Native Social Work Journal
Launched in 1997, the Native Social Work Journal is a scholarly and community-based publication committed to the preservation, revitalization and promotion of the expanding field of Native and Indigenous social work knowledge, theories and practices. Distributed by Laurentian University.

Journal of Transcultural Nursing
A peer-reviewed journal that focuses on theoretical approaches to transcultural health care and interaction, including Indigenous perspectives.

Études Inuit Studies
Études Inuit Studies (EIS) est une revue scientifique bi-annuelle pluridisciplinaire multilingue. Il se concentre sur l’expérience inuite et englobe une variété de sujets, notamment les soins de santé, la médecine et les soins infirmiers autochtones.

Revue d’études autochtones (REA)
REA is a French-language multidisciplinary journal based in Quebec on Indigenous sciences including health and medicine. It publishes triannually and all articles are subject to a peer review process. 

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