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Rare Books & Archival Collections Reference Guide


Introduction to Institutional History Research Guides

In order to support a wider range of enquiries into McGill University’s institutional history, archivists based in ROAAr have begun to develop a series of research guides aimed at simplifying access to primary source material relevant to the University's early history and establishment. Additional guides will be added over time. Researchers are encouraged to contact the library for additional support in locating primary source material. 

James McGill

Archives guide to institutional history : James McGill

This aim of this guide is to expand access to archival, primary source material directly related to James McGill.

Archival material created by or relating to James McGill is distributed across several collections held by the McGill Library and the McGill University Archives. This guide identifies and provides an overview of each of these collections, as well as information about how to access them. There is also a list of other institutions that hold archival material relating to McGill.

James McGill material at McGill University

  • James McGill Fonds (MSG 435) : this fonds contains documents that relate to McGill’s finances and business activities, including the execution of his will. There is a cashbook detailing trade in cotton, hemp, tea, rum, flour, pelts, and wood. There are also documents relating to land holdings in the present-day Eastern Townships region of Quebec and Detroit, Michigan, as well as correspondence between McGill and various business associates and members of his family. Material in the fonds dates from 1776 to 1975 (the most recent material being typed transcripts and recent reproductions of original documents).

Access: this fonds is catalogued at file-level and has been partially digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • James McGill Collection (MG 1007) : this collection contains documents relating to McGill’s personal life and business activities. There are notarial and legal documents relating to merchant firms in which McGill was involved, as well as a deed of sale and a power of attorney document granting Duncan Cameron the legal authority to act on McGill’s behalf. Additionally, there are almanacs containing notes about local (Quebec) crops and the weather, and two published works from McGill’s personal library. Material in the collection dates from 1797 to 1814.

Access: this collection is catalogued at file-level on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

Business associates and related material at McGill University

The collections listed here relate to people and organisations who were directly connected to James McGill during his lifetime, including business associates and members of his social network, as well as business entities in which McGill was involved.

  • Joseph Frobisher Collection (MSG 433) : Joseph Frobisher was a founding partner of the North West Company and a founding member of the Beaver Club, a private social club based around involvement in the commercial fur trade, of which James McGill was also a member. This collection contains a diary filled with brief notes on Frobisher’s daily life, including social activities involving McGill, as well as correspondence relating to the execution of McGill’s will. Material in the collection dates from 1787 to 1834.

Access: this collection is catalogued at item level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Simon McTavish Papers (MSG 431) : Simon McTavish was another founding partner of the North West Company and also a member of the Beaver Club. This collection contains letters received by McTavish as well as documents relating to the execution of his will. Material in the collection dates from 1792 to 1806.

Access: this collection is catalogued at item level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • John McDonald of Garth Fonds (MSG 406) : John McDonald of Garth was another North West Company partner and member of the Beaver Club. This fonds contains letters sent and received by McDonald, some relating to the parliamentary committee established to investigate the potential settlement of the commercial fur trading territory known as Rupert’s Land, as well as letters from a later period regarding land holdings associated with McDonald, mostly in the Cornwall area of eastern Ontario. There are also contractual agreements, financial receipts and invoices, as well as autobiographical writings. Material in the fonds dates from 1791 to 1922.

Access: this collection is catalogued at file level and has been partially digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Thomas Blackwood Collection (MSG 430) : Thomas Blackwood was a close associate of James McGill, working with him in both the fur trade and in land settlement projects. This collection contains letters sent by Blackwood, to recipients including James and Andrew McGill and Company. 

Access: this collection is catalogued at file level and has been partially digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Joseph Hadfield Fonds (MSG 1246) : Joseph Hadfield was a personal friend of James McGill. This fonds contains personal writings about his travels in North America, especially the Great Lakes region, recorded during a trip to collect debts relating to his family’s cotton trading business. Material in the fonds dates from 1785 to 1933 (the most recent material being a letter contemporary to its acquisition by the University).

Access: this fonds is catalogued at item level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Masson Collection (MSG 472) : The Masson Collection contains documents collected by Roderick Mackenzie, another North West Company partner and member of the Beaver Club. The majority of the documents were sent to Mackenzie by North West Company employees working beneath him, and includes journals detailing daily events at fur trading posts as well as expeditions to various parts of the Great Lakes and Mackenzie River regions. There are also letters sent to Mackenzie by employees and members of his family. Material in the collection dates from 1778 to 1837.

Access: this collection is catalogued on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue and has been partially digitized and transcribed. Please contact the Library for access to digitized material and transcriptions.

  • North West Company Collection (MSG 1247) : The North West Company Collection contains documents relating to the North West Company’s administration, including articles of agreement for partnership between individual fur trading firms and correspondence between partners, as well as a financial ledger containing a record of accounts and transactions. Much of the material in the collection dates from 1790 to 1826.

Access: this fonds is catalogued at file level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Montreal Fire Club Collection (MSG 437) : the Montreal Fire Club was a volunteer group established by merchants including James McGill, aimed at providing mutual protection of its members’ properties. This collection contains a minute book containing meeting minutes as well as statements of purpose. Material in the collection dates from 1786 to 1814.

Access: this fonds is catalogued at item level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Montreal Night Patrol Collection (MSG 338) : the Montreal night patrol was a local iteration of the European "Watchman system" of early policing, established by merchants including James McGill. This collection contains lists of expenses, minutes from sessions, accounts and receipts, and subscription lists. Material in the collection dates from 1801.

Access: this fonds is catalogued at item level and fully digitized. Digital access is available via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

Other institutions holding James McGill material

Please note that this list may not be completely exhaustive, but will be updated periodically. Researchers are also encouraged to contact the Library for support in finding further primary sources.

Early major donors

Archives guide to institutional history : early donors

The aim of this guide is to expand access to primary source material directly relating to major donors to McGill University, as well as the institutional administration of donations, during its first 100 years. Please note that the information provided in this guide is not exhaustive. Researchers are encouraged to contact the Library for support in finding further primary sources.

Major McGill University donors are represented within several different archival repositories, including administrative records held by the McGill University Archives, as well as personal and corporate archives held at Rare Books and Special Collections and elsewhere.


Administrative records relating to donations

For information relating to the nature and extent of specific donations, researchers are advised to consult the University’s administrative records, including:

Access: this record group is described in A Guide to Archival Resources at McGill University (1985). Individual file titles can be found by searching the Record Group Database. Please contact the Library for additional support in searching the database.

  • Office of the Principal (RG2) : this record group contains files directly relating to the tenure of each Principal of McGill University, including the Principal’s correspondence with major donors and related administrative records such as memoranda and reports.

Access: this record group is described in A Guide to Archival Resources at McGill University (1985). Individual file titles can be found by searching the Record Group Database. Please contact the Library for additional support in searching the database. The collection of papers related to Arthur Currie’s tenure as principal is fully digitized and accessible via the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue. Note: the private papers of past principals may also contain material relating to major donations, as detailed below.


Personal and corporate archives relating to donors

The following list details primary source material relating to early major donors, held at both the McGill University Library and elsewhere. This list is not exhaustive and researchers are encouraged to contact the Library for support in finding additional material. Donors are arranged chronologically.

Molson family : various members, including Anne (1824 – 1899), John (1763 -1836), Thomas (1791 – 1863), William (1793 – 1875)

Molson family donations included endowment of a chair in English, funding for an arts building and extension to the medical building, contributions to the library book fund, the establishment of scholarships, and the purchasing of land on the University’s behalf.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Saint Lawrence Steamboat Co. Fonds (MSG 475) : this fonds contains business documents and correspondence relating to John Molson’s steamship business, dating from 1803 to 1863.

Access: this fonds is partially described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue. Digitization is in progress.

  • Letters from various members of the Molson family, to various members of the Harrington-Dawson family, including John William Dawson (Principal of McGill University, 1855–1893)

Access: housed in the Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds (MG 1022), fully described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

External repositories holding material:

  • Library and Archives Canada (including the Molson Fonds)
  • The McCord Museum (including the Molson Family Fonds)

William Edmond Logan (1798 - 1875)

William Logan endowed a chair in geology.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • William Edmond Logan Fonds (MSG 914) : this fonds contains correspondence and reports related to mining, dating from 1837 to 1871.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • William Edmond Logan Fonds (MG 2046) : this fonds contains correspondence relating to scientific research, including the collection of geological specimens.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Letters from William Logan to various recipients, including John William Dawson principal, 1855–1893)

Access: housed in the Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds (MG 1022), fully described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

External repositories holding material:

  • Library and Archives Canada (including the Sir William Edmond Logan Collection)

Frederick Griffin (1798 - 1879)

Frederick Griffin acted as the University’s legal counsel and donated an extensive personal library and collected papers.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Frederick Griffin Fonds (MSG 224) : this fonds contains various documents and letters related to Griffin’s career in law, dating from 1827 to 1876.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

External repositories holding material:

  • Rare Books and Special Collections, University of British Columbia Library
  • Library and Archives Canada

Donald A. Smith, Lord Strathcona (1820 – 1914)

Donald Smith’s donations included endowment funds in medicine and education for women, funding of a pension program, and funding for the Royal Victoria Hospital. Smith was also University chancellor from 1889 - 1914.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Letters from Donald Smith to Margaret Mercer Dawson and John William Dawson (McGill University principal, 1855–1893)

Access: housed in the Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds (MG 1022), fully described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue

  • 39 published works, including transcriptions of speeches delivered and books from Smith’s personal library

Access: all works are catalogued on the McGill Library Catalogue, some digitized and accessible via the catalogue.  

External repositories holding material:

  • Library and Archives Canada (including the Sir Donald Alexander Smith, Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal Fonds)
  • Canadian Pacific Archives
  • Hudson's Bay Company Archives

Redpath family : various members, including Peter (1821 – 1894), Amy (later Roddick, 1869 – 1954), Grace (née Wood, 1816 – 1907)

Redpath family donations included endowment of a chair in pure mathematics; funding for the construction and maintenance of the Redpath Museum of Natural History and the Redpath Library (now Redpath Hall), as well as construction of the Roddick Gates; the donation of many rare books now housed within the Rare Books and Special Collections unit of the Library, as well as endowments for the purchasing of additional rare books; and the endowment of several student bursaries.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Redpath Family Fonds (MSG 818) : this fonds contains correspondence and various documents created and received by various members of the Redpath family, dating from 1830 to 1990.

Access: description on the McGill Archival Collections is underway. Please contact the Library for more information.

  • Letters from various members of the Redpath family, to various members of the Harrington-Dawson family, including Margaret Mercer Dawson and John William Dawson (McGill University principal, 1855–1893)

Access: housed in the Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds (MG 1022), fully described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Roddick Family Fonds (MSG 659) : this fonds contains correspondence and diaries maintained by Amy Redpath Roddick.

Access: description on the McGill Archival Collections is underway. Please contact the Library for more information.

External repositories holding material:

  • McCord Museum (including the John Redpath Fonds)
  • Library and Archives Canada

William Osler (1849 - 1919)

William Osler donated an extensive personal library and collected papers to the University.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Sir William Osler Collection (P 100) : this collection contains varied material, including correspondence, legal and financial documents, notes, photographs, case notes, and annotated books, dating from 1800 to 1994.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue. An inventory list is also available via the archival catalogue.

  • Harvey Cushing Fonds (P417) : this fonds contains photographs and transcripts of letters used by Harvey Cushing while researching and writing his 1925 biography of William Osler.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Michael Bliss Fonds (P129) : this fonds contains material collected by Michael Bliss while researching and writing his biography of William Osler.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • W.W. Francis Fonds (P155) : generated by W.W. Francis during his time as Osler Librarian, this fonds contains correspondence related to the Osler Library and its holdings, with correspondents including several prominent “Oslerians” (health professionals who professed to follow in the tradition of William Osler) The fonds also contains a typescript of talks given by W.W. Francis about items held in the Osler Library.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Kelen Family Fonds (P193) : this fonds contains books and documents relating to William Osler and the Osler family, including letters, Deed of Trust documents regarding the Bibliotheca Osleriana (Osler’s personal library and nucleus of the Osler Library), and drafts of Osler's written works.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Robert Palmer Howard, 1912-1990, Fonds (P200) : this fonds contains correspondence between various members of the Osler family, family photographs, and handwritten notes made by William Osler on a variety of medical topics.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Wilder Penfield Fonds (P142) : this fonds contains research files created by Wilder Penfield while researching William Osler.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

External repositories holding material:

Note: numerous other repositories hold limited collections or items relating to William Osler; findable by searching ArchiveGrid for “William Osler.”

Casey Wood (1856 - 1942)

Casey Wood’s donations included a large collection of books, as well as the establishment of the Blacker Library of Zoology and endowment of the Emma Shearer Wood Library of Ornithology.. These two libraries were later amalgamated to form the Blacker-Wood Collection.

Holdings at McGill University include:

  • Casey Albert Wood Collection (MSG 1203) : this fonds contains varied material, including correspondence, research notes, scrapbooks, photographs, and falconry equipment.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Casey A. Wood Collection (P 145) : this collection contains drafts of published works on ophthalmology as well as material relating to his travels in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon).

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue. An inventory list is also available via the archival catalogue.

  • Casey Albert Wood Fonds (MSG 735) : this fonds contains letters about Wood’s coin collecting in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon).

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue.

  • Burton Chance Fonds (P 116) : this fonds contains correspondence between Wood and Burton Chance, also an ophthalmologist.

Access: this fonds is described on the McGill Archival Collections Catalogue. An inventory list is also available via the archival catalogue.

  • W.W. Francis fonds (P155) : generated by W.W. Francis during his time as Osler Librarian, this fonds includes correspondence between Francis and Wood concerning book collecting for McGill University, with incidental references to mutual acquaintances and current events.

  • Blacker Wood Naturalist Correspondence Collection : this collection contains manuscript correspondence sent and received by British, European, and North American naturalists during the 19th and 20th centuries. This includes hundreds of letters sent and received by Wood in the course of his ornithological and book collecting pursuits.

Access: This collection is uncatalogued. Please contact the Library for more information, and to access to this collection. 

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