Corpus Juris Secundum US legal encyclopedia (via WestlawNext Canada). From the Westlaw homepage, select the International tab, and scroll down to Westlaw US. Select Secondary Sources, then either enter Corpus Juris Secundum in the search bar, or click on Texts & Treatises to browse for it.
JurisClasseur France Encyclopédies de droit français, un fonds documentaire de textes, commentaires, jurisprudence, procédures et formules (via Lexis Advance Quicklaw - défilez vers le bas pour les volumes JurisClasseur)
JurisClasseur QuébecEncyclopédies de droit québécois (via Lexis Advance Quicklaw)
Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Elgar). Bringing together over 225 authors from 50 countries, this second edition is the most comprehensive reference work in the field of comparative law.
Encyclopedia of environmental law (Elgaronline). Organised into 12 volumes around top-level subjects – such as water, energy and climate change – that reflect some of the most pressing issues facing us today.
Encyclopedia of human rights (Oxford). Focusing primarily on developments since 1945, it offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of humanrights theory, practice, law and history.
Encyclopedia of international economic law (Elgaronline). This comprehensive resource helps redefine the field by presenting international economic law in its broadest, real-world context.
Encyclopedia of law and economics (Elgaronline). Provides balanced and comprehensive coverage of the major domain in law and economics, including: criminal law, regulation, property law, contract law, tort law, labor and employment law, antitrust law, procedural law, and the production of legal rules.
Encyclopedia of law and religion (Brill). Covers the relation between law and religion in its various aspects, including those related to the role of religion in society, the relations between religion and state institutions, freedom of religion, legal aspects of religious traditions, the interaction between law and religion, and other issues at the junction of law, religion, and state.
Encyclopedia of private international law (Elgaronline). The first two volumes provide comprehensive coverage of topical aspects of Private International Law in the form of 247 alphabetically arranged entries. The third volume provides insightful detail on the national Private International Law regimes of 80 different countries. The fourth volume presents invaluable, and often unique, English language translations of the national codifications and provisions of Private International Law in those countries.
International encyclopedia of comparative law Detailed description of the legal systems of more than 140 countries, including thoroughly documented comparative analyses of the main issues in civil and commercial law and related areas covering the whole world (via BrillOnline Reference Works)
Encyclopédie du parlementarisme québécois. Une initiative de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec. Elle a pour objectif de regrouper et de rendre accessible l'essentiel des connaissances sur le parlementarisme québécois.