General LGBTQIA+ |
"Sexual and Gender Minorities"[mesh] "Sexuality"[mesh] "Homosexuality"[mesh] "Gender Identity"[mesh] |
Gay |
"Homosexuality, Male"[mesh] |
Lesbian |
"Homosexuality, Female"[mesh] |
Bisexual | "Bisexuality"[mesh] |
Transgender |
"Transsexualism"[mesh] "Transgender Persons"[mesh] "Gender-Nonconforming Persons"[mesh] "Health Services for Transgender Persons"[mesh] "Gender-Affirming Care"[mesh] |
Intersex |
"Intersex Persons"[mesh] "Disorders of Sex Development"[mesh] |
*This is not a comprehensive list of search terms - it is a starting point. Always use the subject headings that are appropriate for your research question and your population
General LGBTQIA+ |
"Sexual and Gender Minorities"/ Sexuality/ Homosexuality/ Gender Identity/ |
Gay | Homosexuality, Male/ |
Lesbian | Homosexuality, Female/ |
Bisexual | Bisexuality/ |
Transgender |
Transsexualism/ Transgender Persons/ Gender-Nonconforming Persons/ "Health Services for Transgender Persons"/ Gender-Affirming Care/ |
Intersex |
Intersex Persons/ "Disorders of Sex Development"/ |
*This is not a comprehensive list of search terms - it is a starting point. Always use the subject headings that are appropriate for your research question and your population
General LGBTQIA+ |
LGBTQIA+ People/ LGBT People/ Sexual Orientation/ Homosexuality/ "Sexual and Gender Minority"/ |
Gay |
Homosexual Male/ Male Homosexuality/ |
Lesbian |
Lesbianism/ Homosexual Female/ |
Bisexual |
Bisexuality/ Bisexual Female/ Bisexual Male/ |
Transgender |
Transgender/ Transgenderism/ Transgender and Gender Nonbinary/ Female to Male Transgender/ Male to Female Transgender/ Gender Nonbinary/ Gender Identity/ |
Intersex |
Intersex/ Hermaphroditism/ Disorder of Sex Development/ |
Asexual | Asexual People/ |
*This is not a comprehensive list of search terms - it is a starting point. Always use the subject headings that are appropriate for your research question and your population
General LGBTQIA+ |
(MH "LGBTQ+ Persons") (MH "Black LGBTQ+ Persons") (MH "Sexual and Gender Minorities") (MH "Gay Persons") (MH "Queer Persons") (MH "Homosexuality") |
Gay | (MH "Gay Men") |
Lesbian | (MH "Lesbians") |
Bisexual | (MH "Bisexual Persons") |
Transgender |
(MH "Transgender Persons") (MH "Trans Men") (MH "Trans Women") (MH "Transsexual Persons") (MH "Gender-Nonconforming Persons") (MH "Nonbinary Persons") (MH "Hijras") |
Intersex |
(MH "Intersex Persons") (MH "Intersexuality") (MH "Disorders of Sex Development") (MH "Pseudointersexuality") |
Asexual |
(MH "Asexuality") (MH "Asexual Persons") |
*This is not a comprehensive list of search terms - it is a starting point. Always use the subject headings that are appropriate for your research question and your population
General LGBTQIA+ |
LGBTQ/ Homosexuality/ Sexual Identity/ Sexual Orientation/ Sexual Minority Groups/ |
Gay | Male Homosexuality/ |
Lesbian |
Lesbianism/ |
Bisexual | Bisexuality/ |
Transgender |
Transgender/ Transsexualism/ "Transgender (Attitudes Toward)"/ Gender Affirming Care/ Gender Dysphoria/ Gender Expression/ Gender Identity/ Gender Nonbinary/ Gender Nonconforming/ Gender Reassignment/ Gender Transition/ |
Intersex |
Intersex/ Hermaphroditism/ Endocrine Sexual Disorders/ |
Asexual | Asexuality/ |
Pansexual | Pansexuality/ |
*This is not a comprehensive list of search terms - it is a starting point. Always use the subject headings that are appropriate for your research question and your population
Lee, J. G., Ylioja, T., & Lackey, M. (2016). Identifying Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Search Terminology: A Systematic Review of Health Systematic Reviews. PloS one, 11(5), e0156210.
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