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BUSA 465 Technological Entrepreneurship

Market Research Canvas

Industry & Market

Use the databases below to help build a profile for your industry and market. The data in these reports will help you determine the size of your market, its growth rates and future potential, trends and forecasts, barriers to entry, and threats to the market.

- Use reports from multiple databases to get a complete picture of an industry.
- If you can't find a report for the Canadian market, look for a US report and determine if the information there could be applied to the Canadian context.

Product Validation

Using the resources below, find detailed consumer behaviour characteristics about your potential customers to determine how likely they are to buy into your product.

See also: Industry Research guide

Company Analysis

Use the industry and market resources below to find information on competitors, such as: 

  • Names of brands/companies that are direct and indirect competitors;
  • Market shares of competitors;
  • Details about the industry

Marketing Mix

Use the questions below to help you determines the typical aspects of a marketing mix. 

Products & Pricing

  • What does your product look like? How is it packaged? What makes it different from other similar products?
  • What is its Product Life Cycle?
  • What is the pricing strategy and margins for your product?
  • For inspiration, see and the Branding Research Library
  • For details about existing brands and products, and popular brands in a given industry, see the Company Research guide and the Industry guide.

Distribution & Promotion:

  • How will consumers learn about your product?
  • How and where will the product be distributed?
  • How will it be displayed?
  • For advertising rates and inforamtion, see the Advertising guide.

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