Searching by name
Enter the name of the composer or musician into a general keyword search to discover sources either by or about the individual.
Suggested Subject Headings
To search by subject heading in the Sofia search tool, go to “Advanced Search” and choose “Subject” from the dropdown menu.
Below are examples of some useful subject headings. Click on the hyperlinked subject headings to access the search results directly.
Music by women composers
Women in music
Women in opera
Women musicians (and its various subcategories of nations e.g. Women musicians Canada, Austria, France, etc.)
African-American women musicians
Women composers
Women conductors
Women singers
Women rock musicians
Women blues musicians
Women jazz musicians
Women jazz singers
General call number ranges for books about women in music
Women as musicians, women in the performing arts ML82
Women in music bibliography ML128.W7
Women composers and musicians discography ML156.4.W6