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Core and Additional Databases
- Oxford reference - "online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias".
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Oxford Bibliographies provides accurate and reliable information on a variety of academic topics. It is an authoritative guide, written and reviewed by academic experts, with original commentary and annotations.
- ABSEES Online, 1990 (EBSCO)-Online version of The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies. Covers journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, and selected government publications on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union published in the United States and Canada. Coverage begins in 1998.
- East View Universal Databases. Social Sciences and Humanities Periodicals (a full text journal database of major Russian journals in the social sciences and humanities.
- Soviet Cinema Online: Periodicals and Newspapers, 1918-1942
- Literary Encyclopedia
- Dictionary of literary biography.
- Literature criticism online
- Literature Online - index to the full text of over 200,000 works in English and American literature, may be useful to the Slavic Scholars
- Literature Resource Center A database containing much of Gale's Contemporary Authors, and Literary Criticism series as well as many others. Provides good, basic biographical, bibliographic, and critical information.
- JSTOR provides the complete back runs of several Slavic Studies titles in full page PDF images
- MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO) Database of articles on literature, including Russian literature, literary criticism, and linguistics. Coverage: 1963 to date. No fulltext
- ProjectMUSE
- European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES)
- Index Translationum
- Vestnik Evropy (Published in Moscow from 1802 to 1830; was founded by Nikolai Karamzin, famous author and historian)
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global Full-text of dissertations from McGill University as well as 3,100 worldwide universities. Full-text PDFs available for all non-embargoed dissertations and theses from 1997 – forward, with select full text available prior to 1997.
- Russian Central Newspapers
- Pravda - digital and searchable archive of Pravda. Goes back to Pravda's first issue, April 1922, and through the end of 2009. Photos, cartoons and advertisements form Soviet times.
- Izvestiia Digital Archive "Among the longest-running Russian newspapers, Izvestiia was founded in March 1917 and during the Soviet period was the official organ of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Izvestiia has traditionally been a popular news source within intellectual and academic circles."
- Novoe Russkoe Slovo Digital Archive The leading newspaper of the Russian émigré community in North America from 1910 until 2010,
Other Resources
Library Guides
Russian Studies Librarian
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record