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Evidence-informed resources
Evidence-informed public health resources
Great places to start:
- EIDM Skills Assessment Tool (National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools) - Identifies areas in which practitioners could further develop skills in evidence-informed decision making and points to helpful resources
- Learning Centre (National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools) - Learning modules to guide you through the steps of evidence-informed decision making
- Health Evidence - "methodologically-sound reviews of health promotion and public health interventions published from 1985 to the present"; appraise evidence as weak, moderate, or strong
- CEEDER - Includes reviews within the environmental sector, but human wellbeing is covered when there is an environmental aspect to the question
- Health Systems Evidence - Syntheses of research about governance, financial & delivery arrangements, and implementation strategies within health systems
- PDQ-Evidence for Informed Health Policymaking - Includes systematic reviews (syntheses) and overviews of reviews (synopses), with coverage including public health
- Social Systems Evidence - "Syntheses of research evidence about the programs, services and products available in a broad range of government sectors and program areas (e.g., community and social services, culture and gender, economic development and growth, education, and transportation) as well as the governance, financial and delivery arrangements within which the[y] [...] are provided, and the implementation strategies that can help to ensure that these programs, services and products get to those who need them"
- SUPPORT tool (SUPporting POlicy relevant Reviews and Trials (SUPPORT) Project) - "Can be used to design implementation strategies for evidence-based policies, with implementation strategies involving clients, communities, practitioners, organizations and public health systems."
- Evidence Aid - To find the evidence needed for decision making in disasters and humanitarian emergencies