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Open Access Resources

Open Access Articles

Journals and Repositories

See also Find it in the Open: Tips and tricks for searching open access articles (SFU Library)

There are many repositories which include preprints (articles not yet peer-reviewed) and postprints (articles that have been peer-reviewed but don't have the "official" layout of the publisher). Below is a selection by subject.

Open Access Browser Extensions

  1. Unpaywall 

What is it?

Chrome and Firefox browser extension that helps you find legal open access article PDFs.

How does it work? 
Once you have installed the browser extension, whenever you search an article, a lock icon will appear. A green "unlock" means an open access version is available somewhere else. Click on the green icon and it will bring you to the article. 

Article with green lock icon to the right of the article title, indicating it's openly available.

If it's a grey lock, it means Unpaywall couldn't find a free version. 

Article with grey icon to the right of the article, indicating it's not available openly.

2. Open Access Button 

What is it?

Website an/or browser extension that lets you search for an open version of an article. 

How does it work? 

  • As a website, search the article title, DOI, URL, etc.
  • As an extension, if the article is available, an open access icon will appear next to your search bar. Click on it and it will bring you to the open access version. 

Orange lock icon next to browser's URL bar, indicating an open copy is available.

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