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World Islamic & Middle East studies

Welcome - Merhaba - أهلا وسهلا - Hoşgeldiniz - خوش آمدید ! This guide focuses on primary and secondary sources for the study of the Middle East, both modern and contemporary. It is tailored to the courses offered by the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies

Open Access

The African Online Digital Library (AODL) is a portal to multimedia collections about Africa. MATRIX, working in cooperation with the African Studies Center at Michigan State University, is partnering with universities and cultural heritage organizations in Africa to build this resource. Plans are underway to add digital tools in order to enable scholars to work with and add to these materials.

Avalon Project: Middle East 1916-2001: A Documentary Record includes full texts from the Sykes-Picot agreement through Camp David, Mitchell and Tenet. Includes documents beyond 2001.

British History online (BHO) is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the history of the British Isles, including administrative, legal, and parliamentary documents. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, it aims to support academic and personal users around the world and their learning and research.

Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University (CPS) offers plethora of online resources on and about Palestine from the Sykes-Picot agreement to the Edward Said Archive.

Country of words: A Transnational Atlas for Palestinian Literature "is a digital-born project that retraces and remaps the global story of Palestinian literature in the twentieth century, starting from the Arab world and going through Europe, North America, and Latin America."

EuroDocs gives access to sources for the History of Europe, including legal and governmental documents, transcriptions, facsimiles and commentaries. The France and the UK sections offer some documents related to their respective colonial history.

Internet Islamic History Sourcebook includes scholarly articles and primary source documents in a variety of subject areas.

Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa (ilissAfrica) is a portal that offers an integrated access to relevant scientific conventional and digital information resources on the sub-Saharan Africa region. Information scattered on private or institutional websites, databases or library catalogues is brought together in order to facilitate research.

The Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC) is a non-profit cooperative of libraries dedicated to the twin goals of, preserving legal titles and government documents, while making copies inexpensively available digitally through its on-line service LLMC-Digital.

Memory of Modern Egypt / ذاكرة مصر الجديدة is a collection documenting the History of Modern Egypt developed by Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The collection includes thousands of articles, photographs, audio-visual materials, plans and maps, as well as artefacts (coins, stamps, etc.).

Memory of the Suez Canal / ذاكرة قناة السويس is an online archives documenting the Canal cutting, maintenance, improvement as well as maritime traffic and vessel crossings from 1869 to 1956 developed by Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs provides access to a collection of maps covering much of Palestine’s modern history. While many of these maps represent PASSIA’s own work, others are drawn from secondary sources – as indicated beneath the individual maps.

PALQUEST is an interactive encyclopedia of the Palestine question jointly curated by the Institute for Palestine Studies and the Palestinian Museum. It "traces the history of modern Palestine, from the end of the Ottoman era to the present" through numerous sections: chronologies, biographies, places, documents, etc.

Shared Heritage is a collaborative effort of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) and Middle Eastern heritage/research libraries to digitize textual documents, photographs, maps, etc. covering the Levant including Iraq and Arabia Petrea from 1798 to 1945.

The United Nations Website includes digital copies of most work documents produced from1993, Security Council, General Assembly, and Economic and Social Council Resolutions from 1946, in addition to reports, agreements and legal instruments, statistics, etc.

Voyage en Afrique is a digital collection including a wide selection of documents (maps of peoples and kingdoms, colonial history, physical map, antique maps, nautical maps, full text books, journal articles), primarily in French, covering the entire African continent in the 18th and 19th century. A whole section of the website is dedicated to the history of French colonial policy in Africa (1830-1945).


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