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Professional associations
- AMS LGBTQ Study Group
- A recognized special interest group of the American Musicological Society
- Objectives include increasing awareness of sexuality and music in the academy, promoting contact among music scholars working in LGBTQ studies, and establishing a forum for the presentation of such research
- Chamber Music America
- National service organization for ensemble music professionals
- Created the Composers Equity Project, a database of ALAANA composers who have been historically under-represented in their commissioning program. The acronym ALAANA indicates composers who identify as African/Black, Latinx, Asian/South Asian, Arab/Middle Eastern, and Native American. The list also includes women and gender non-conforming composers.
- ClassicalQueer
- GALA Choruses
- GALA Choruses leads the North American LGBT choral movement, and includes more than 190 member choruses (10,000 singers)
- Offers its members networking opportunities and Discussion Groups, an annual Leadership Symposium, a full array of administrative support, and a sizeable Online Resource Library, in addition to its signature event: the quadrennial LGBTQ Music Festival
- Provides resources for transgender singers
- LGBTQ+ Music Study Group (UK)
- Pride Bands Alliance
- Musical organization comprised of concert and marching bands from cities across the United States, Canada, England, and Australia
- Provides seminars on topics such as musicianship, programming, and organizational skills
- SMT Queer Resource Group (SMT-LGTB)
- Explores issues of gender and sexuality as they pertain to music theory scholarship and to the professional lives of music theorists